twenty one

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Joselyn Myers

"Are you sure you want to go? I know you had a hard day yesterday, so I don't want you to feel like you have to join me." I heard Harry's voice shout through the closed bathroom door between us as I was looking in the mirror above the sink, brushing my hair carefully.

"Yes Harry, I want to go with you. I want to see the show and I want to support you, no idiotic mother of mine is going to stop me from living my life." I shouted back just as I finished, then adjusted the thin straps on my yellow dress.

I wasn't going to let the news of my mother being free put a damper on my plans, so I was looking forward to going with Harry to SNL tonight just as much as I was before. In fact, it's honestly allowed me to forget about my job and my mother for the time being.

I know last night was a very vulnerable night for me, Harry saw a side of me that I tried to keep hidden from everyone. But he made me feel so safe and cared for, not judging me or putting me down in anyway, he was just perfect. Falling asleep in his arms felt different than anytime before that simply because I knew he wanted to make me feel comfortable.

This morning I also gave him a brief summarization of why I was fired, since I never really got into it last night. He was definitely shocked when I told him that the article about us seemingly lead to me getting fired, but I made sure that he understood that's not at all what happened. No part of me wanted him to blame himself for it, it was just silly to. But he was still partly angry with my boss, simply because he was firing me for something that was supposed to be helping the company, not hurting it.

He also did not like the article that Us Weekly wrote about me in response to it happening. I could see him get a bit angry while I watched him read the article on his phone.

Specifically he said, "Fucking wankers, think they can shit on everyone's life, bloody hell!" I know he was genuinely upset, I was too, but I couldn't help but chuckle quietly to myself when he was speaking so apparently British.

"Alright then, I won't ask again." I heard him chuckle through his words once I focused back on looking at myself in the mirror.

"Are you done getting dressed?" I spoke back once I gave myself one last look in the mirror, feeling satisfied with my look. I haven't been able to wear this dress yet since I bought it, so I thought it'd be perfect to bring it for tonight. It came to my mid thigh and it flowed out slightly at the end, the bright yellow color was very eye catching which is why I bought it in the first place, and I wore it with a pair of black strappy heels to finish the look.

"Yes ma'am, feel free to come out whenever." I couldn't help but smile at his words, very intrigued to see what he was wearing.

Ever since I met him, I only ever saw him in his casual attire, which I still loved, but I was dying to see him all dressed up like he would for a concert. I absolutely adored his unique collection of suits and various other outfits that he'd wear for events, and now I'd get to see it in person and right in front of me.

I didn't waste anytime in opening the bathroom door and slowly stepping out, keeping my eyes on the ground so I made sure I could adjust to walking in heels on the carpet of the hotel room. When I finally looked up, I saw Harry turning around from facing the closet by the bed, and I think my jaw fell to the floor. He was wearing a blue button up shirt with the top two buttons undone, a grey suit jacket over it, and a pair of bright yellow suit pants with white dress shoes.

He looked breathtaking.

"Joselyn, you look beautiful...and I love the color choice." He raised his eyebrows as he gestured down to his pants, pointing out the fact that we sort of accidentally coordinated.

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