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Joselyn Myers

I spent what felt like hours going through tests and exams at the hospital, and luckily the bruises on my leg were nothing serious, just bruises. My legs weren't broken, just very sore from the pressure of the collision. They did have to stitch the cut on my hand because they believe it was glass that cut through it, making the cut pretty deep.

So now here I was, just sitting in a hospital bed looking down at my beaten up legs wrapped in ice packs and bandages from a car crash that still feels like a dream. It was a weird feeling, almost as if my brain had been on auto pilot the past few hours and I couldn't even form proper thoughts. I was grateful that I wasn't seriously injured, but I couldn't help but think about my car.

I still had no idea what they did with it, but they said the police would handle it. I've only ever been involved in one car accident, and that was when I was 19 and a car side swiped me on the highway.

Obviously that wasn't my fault either, but we didn't get any police involved or anything like that, just swapped information and I had my repairs done through the other woman's insurance. This is completely new territory for me and I was honestly a little stressed out about what was going to happen. Not to mention, I won't have a car for a while which will definitely be a problem considering I have a full time job to attend to.

For some reason though, even though I hate bad drivers, I wasn't angry. Maybe it was the shock of it all or just the fact that everything seemed to happen so fast, but I honestly just felt very calm about the situation as a whole.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the door to my room opened slowly to reveal one of the nurses who's been attending to me.

"Joselyn, hi how are you feeling?" She opened the door a bit wider to reveal a police officer behind her.

"Um, I'm fine right now, the pain killers definitely helped." I sent her a kind smile and she nodded in response.

"That's good." She paused to glance over her shoulder, then back at me. "This is Officer Wallace, he wanted to ask you some questions about the crash if you're up for it." She motioned her hand to the man behind her who was holding a thick clipboard in his hands and kindly waved at me.

"Yeah, that's fine." I simply replied. With that, the nurse stepped out of the room leaving just the officer and myself.

"Hi there, I'm so glad that you're feeling better. That was quite the crash huh?" I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you, it's still weird thinking about it all, kind of doesn't feel real." I let out a nervous chuckle, not holding back with how I felt.

"That's totally understandable. Everything is okay now though, you're recovering nicely and that's all that matters." He smiled again and I simply nodded in response. "Right, so I just wanna clarify some of the information we got from the scene of the crash." He paused to open up his clipboard so he could glance at whatever was on the papers. "So your name is Joselyn Renee Myers, age 24, date of birth is January 25, 1995?" He spat off all my information and I nodded in agreement after everything he said.

"Yes, that's all correct. How did you know all that?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh, we just looked it up through the car registration." I formed an "o" shape with my mouth before he proceeded with his questions. "So, can you describe to me what happened Ms. Myers." He looked at me with his full attention, and for the first time since it happened I actually had to recall what happened to put me in this hospital bed.

"Um, well I was stopped at my stop sign to make a left and I saw the other car approaching but I figured he was gonna stop at his stop sign, so I took my turn and the next thing I knew his car rammed into the side of mine." I summed up the events, which saying them out loud makes it sound much less terrifying than it actually was.

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