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*trigger warning*
mention of physical abuse

Joselyn Myers

I had been pacing around the hotel room for the past 20 minutes now, feeling like my head might actually explode for real this time.

My dad explained to me that my mom had been released early from her original sentence of 16 years, meaning she wasn't supposed to get out for another 3 years. He said it had something to do with continuous good behavior, but that sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. That woman honestly never deserves to be released.

"Joselyn, please stop, you need to just sit down and take a breather." Harry's voice brought me back to reality when he suddenly appeared right in front of me, reaching his hands out to hold the sides of my arms.

"Harry..." I let out a frustrated groan, running my hands through my hair and pulling away from his grip to sit on the edge of the bed. I placed both my elbows on my knees and just like that, I was crying yet again.

"Baby what happened? Who was on the phone?" Harry appeared in front of me again, this time crouched down with one hand running up and down my knee and the other took hold of one of my hands to stop me from pulling my hair out.

My brain couldn't handle all these fucking emotions right now and all I wanted to do was just scream.

"It was my dad, and he just told me that—" I cut myself off and looked up again to meet Harry's worried eyes. I let out a dry laugh, just realizing how messed up this really is. "Of course he calls right as I'm about to tell you about what happened already." Another dry laugh escaped my lips and I pushed myself off the bed, making Harry stumble back a bit, but he stood up right after me.

"Joselyn bre—"

"Of course he calls me right as I'm about to tell you that I was fired yesterday." I looked up to see his face full of shock, and his eyes were wide as ever.

"What?" I could tell he was in disbelief because he just kept looking at me as if he was speechless.

"Mhm, yup, I was fired yesterday, and now my dad calls and tells me that my dear old mother was released from prison 3 years early. So you know, everything is just fucking peachy!" My sarcastic words came out dryly in anger, and my breaking point came again, and all of a sudden I was letting out uncontrollable sobs.

"Hey, hey, it's's okay." Harry practically ran to my side again and engulfed me in a tight hug. I didn't even have the strength to wrap my arms around him, but I balled my fists against his chest and just continued to cry. "I'm so sorry Joselyn, I'm so sorry about your job." His words made another sting go through my chest, and at this point I didn't even know if I was crying over my job or my mother.

"Come on, let's sit down." I felt him pat my back lightly before leading us over to the bed again. Instead of just sitting on the edge, he lifted me up from under my legs so they wrapped around his waist, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, keeping my head buried in his chest. He kneeled onto the bed and waddled to the headboard so he was leant up against the pillows, and I just bent my legs to one side and curled my body into a ball on top of him.

"Take deep breaths darling, breathe." He resumed his position to rubbing his hand up my back soothingly, but now used his other hand to push some hair out of my face so I was able to see again.

"I'm not going to force you to talk about anything, but I'm here to listen if you do. I know your mind is probably going in so many directions right now, and you're probably a bit overwhelmed, and that's okay. Whatever you want, I'm right here." For some reason, his sweet, calming tone made my tears slow down and I started to breathe slower than before so I wasn't sobbing so much. In the mess of thoughts and emotions going on in my head right now, it made me feel so nice that he was being so understanding and helpful to me.

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