thirty three

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Joselyn Myers

If you told me a month ago that I'd be sitting in bed wearing fancy hotel bath robes and eating the most gourmet breakfast I've ever had at a luxury five-star hotel in Paris while listening to my boyfriend tell me about his upcoming album because he just so happens to be Harry Styles, I'd be on the fucking floor laughing and telling you that you're absolutely insane. But here I am, doing just that, and it still seems like I'm living in a fever dream.

"Being cooped up in a soundproof box, singing some sick lyrics, I mean honestly it doesn't sound fun but to me it's one of the most exciting things in the world. I feel so at peace, like I'm putting everything into making the perfect track." I pulled my fork out of my mouth after taking a bite of my eggs, turning to see Harry with the most radiant smile on his face as he talked about what he's passionate about. It gave me this warm fuzzy feeling just by simply looking at him, though it might have something to do with the hot coffee that I was forced to drink.

"It certainly sounds fun, especially since you're doing what you love." I paused to pick up my cup of coffee, "Is it different recording solo than being in a band? You know, because of harmonies and stuff like that right?" I know my question sounded really stupid, but sometimes your brain speaks for you before there's any time to think about what comes out of your mouth.

"Well yeah, in the band I'd obviously have much less recording time because we split up the vocals. It was still a lot of recording but you know what I mean, and I still do harmonies, it's just with my own voice rather than the other guys' vocals." When he finished speaking he took a chance to pick up some toast off of the plate from the wooden table-tray that we were sharing.

"Uh huh, I see...have you ever helped mix a track, like did stuff on that big sound board they always have in studios?" I gave him a curious look as I brought my cup up to my lips to take a slow sip of coffee, but of course as soon as he locked eyes with me, I coughed back into the cup because the hot drink was just annoying me at this point. There was nothing else to drink though so I was forcing myself to enjoy the hot coffee this whole time even though I really only preferred iced coffee.

"Hey, hey, take a deep breath, don't choke baby." I felt Harry scoot closer to me on the bed and start gently patting his hand against my back to help me get my breathing back under control. "I told you I could've ordered some iced coffee, you didn't have to force yourself to drink this." He chuckled lightly under his breath while I hit my fist against my chest.

"I didn't want to make the room service guy come back after he already came all the way up here once." I frowned, but Harry only laughed again and shook his head at my stubbornness.

"That's their job Joselyn, and that wouldn't have even been that big of a favor." He tried to reassure me, but at this point it's too late to do anything about it now. "When you told me you don't drink hot coffee, you really meant it huh?"

"I can't stand it, for some reason it just really turns me off. Plus I hate burning my tongue." I paused, following Harry's hand with my eye as he took the cup of coffee from my hands and carefully placed it back on the tray. "I'm sorry." I quickly mumbled, feeling like I was being some high maintenance priss who was just too good for something as simple as hot coffee.

"There you go again..." Harry chuckled again, now pushing the tray farther up the bed so it was more out of our way so he could take hold of my calves and swing them over his lap while keeping one arm around my back. "You don't have to apologize for every little thing, you didn't even do anything. There's nothing wrong in having a certain preference to something. Which is why when the food got here earlier and they only brought the hot coffee, I told you you didn't have to drink it and we could ask for iced instead. But little miss stubborn over here insisted that it was fine and told me not to worry about it." He was speaking so firmly, but still keeping his soft and understanding voice because I know he didn't want to come off as anything but.

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