forty five

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Joselyn Myers

"That's not hot pink Laura, that's magenta!" I quietly scolded Laura as she held up another top from off the rack, making sure to keep my voice down as to not draw any attention from anyone else in the store.

"Oh for the love of—you're so picky!" Laura let out an annoyed huff of air as she shoved the shirt back on the rack she pulled it from. I chuckled under my breath at her reaction before going back to browsing the section of clothing in front of me.

"Don't blame me, blame Harry. He's the one who chose to wear hot pink for his album cover." I playfully shot back once she returned to my side, earning an eye roll in response.

"Or you could just not match your outfit with his." She pointedly lifted her eyebrows at me, clearly becoming a bit irritable because of how long we've been shopping now.

"Where's the fun in that? I think it's cute, and so does he—plus, it's his big night and this is what he asked me to wear for it, so quit complaining." I pulled my lips up into a devilish smirk as I patted my hand against her back when I walked behind her to move onto another rack of clothing.

"You're lucky I love you." She mumbled one last bit before heading off to another section, making me chuckle lightly.

Considering Laura already found her outfit for Harry's big night on Friday over an hour ago, I cut her a little slack for getting tired of being here, but until I had mine, I needed her full attention. I was already stressing about picking something perfect, but then of course Harry decided to add even more pressure on my shoulders when he lightly suggested that I match with his outfit...again. And when he told me he'd be wearing the same outfit from his album cover, I could already feel the bubbles of excitement and anxiousness creeping up inside me.

Last night, after the Late Late Show, I was helping Harry gather up his things to clean up his dressing room, and he thought that was the perfect time to throw the most casual bombshell at me. As if me watching the entire show, feeling my skin prickle up with nerves everytime I even looked in Kendall's direction wasn't enough. She was even more gorgeous in person, and I was very fucking intimidated by her. I couldn't help it, even after talking with Harry about it I just couldn't help the slight ping of jealousy that swam through my chest. And I obviously wasn't very good at hiding it, because as soon as Harry and I finished up our round of goodbyes to her and all the crew members, I had the wind knocked right out of me when the door to his dressing room shut and I was being shoved up against it.

"Harry, what are you—" My words were abruptly cut off by Harry's lips smashing against mine, his firm grip on my hips pressing me even further against the door behind me. My head was already spinning, unable to keep up with his fast paced movements as he continued to roughly move his lips on my own.

"See baby, you're all I fucking want. Couldn't stop peeking over at you with how divine you look in this dress." The sound of his gravelly voice and hot breath hitting my neck made a small whine escape my lips as I threw all my sense out the window to let him continue. "My pretty, pretty girl." He hummed in satisfaction, just before burying his head into my neck at the same time he removed one hand off my hip so he could strategically grab both my wrists and pin the above my head.

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