forty four

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Joselyn Myers

Today was the day, today I was starting a new chapter in my life and leaving behind one that I never imagined I ever would. But everything about today felt perfectly in line, like this was exactly how my life was supposed to play out. So of course, I kept my head high and didn't look down.

After walking out of the coffee shop, unfortunately Madison wasn't working today so I wasn't able to say hi to her, but that's alright, I confidently headed over to the flower shop, just as it was about to hit 10:00 am exactly. And just like the last time I came here for my interview, Patricia was happily ready to greet me as soon as I walked through the door.

"Joselyn, darling! How are you?" She was smiling from ear to ear, walking towards me as fast as she could in her olden age so she could welcome me into a warm hug. I don't know what it was about her, but I just felt like a little kid again whenever I'm around her, like she has some quality that just makes you feel so nurtured and loved.

"I'm good Patricia, I'm very excited for my first day." I rubbed my hands up and down her back as I returned her hug, pressing my chin lightly against the top of her head since I was at least a foot taller than her.

"Well, let's get right to it then, no time to waste." She clapped her hands together excitedly once we pulled away from one another, leading us out into the main area of the flower shop. "Now, today I just want to run you through the basics, show you how the system works and hopefully let you handle some orders. I know you want to jump right into the actual making of the arrangements, but we have to get through the boring stuff first." Patricia placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder as she slowly moved us towards the pay counter, stopping in front of the cash register.

Patricia wasn't wrong, to an extent—as much as all we did for the first two hours was sit in front of the cash register so she could teach me how to use the POS system, I was giddy with every passing second. Seeing how we received online orders, observing her call customers to run them through a phone call consultation, then sending the order to the computer in the back so it can be put together in the more open area—everything was just so endearing to me. I was practically bouncing in my rolling chair, just anxiously waiting for her to move onto show me how they actually put orders together.

Amidst the online lesson, a few customers came in and we paused to help them, and I was pleased at the fact that Patricia gave me a little nudge to help. One young woman came in looking for something for a date night bouquet, and I gave her my personal suggestions, walking around the main area to pull the most beautiful bouquet of daisies, peonies, and dahlias. She was fully satisfied with my help, and seeing her eyes light up in excitement when she mentioned how perfect the arrangement was for her girlfriend was enough to make my heart burst.

"You're making this so easy for me Joselyn, you've exceeded my expectations you precious girl." Patricia pouted her lips together as she looked at me from the side while I tied together a bouquet of roses for an online order in the back room.

"Well, you're a wonderful teacher, but thank you Patricia. I'm having so much fun." I shamelessly admitted, looking over my shoulder to meet her stare, unable to stop the growing smile that appeared on my lips. "How's this look?" I extended my hands out so she could admire my finished work, the only thing left to be added being any decorative papers or fabrics to ensure they all stayed together.

"Perfect, just perfect." I felt her wrap her frail arms around the back of my shoulder to give them a soft, reassuring squeeze, making my cheeks heat up immediately. "How would feel about taking your last 30 minutes to finish these last four online orders while I stay out front, then you can call it a day?" My lips curled up at the corners, feeling absolutely honored that she was already trusting me enough to work on my own—even if it was only for the last half hour of my shift.

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