twenty seven

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Harry Styles

"Uh huh, that's me, Harry Styles...nice to meet you." I flashed him a cocky smile, watching as he hesitantly took my hand in his own. Seeing his mouth close to swallow nervously when I over dramatically shook his hand was honestly such an enjoyable sight.

I may have been enjoying myself too much, but once Joselyn nudged my stomach and I saw her anxious expression, I couldn't hold myself back from giving this asshole what he deserves. He hurt Joselyn back then, so bad that even the mere sight of him was making her lose herself. Not to mention everything that Hailey told us, that was just a whole other list of questions being brought up.

"What is this?" Something in him seemed to snap, pulling his hand aggressively away from mine to dart his eyes between Joselyn and myself. "What do you want huh, I thought we agreed to never see each other again Josie, now you just show up at my fucking doorstep like it's no big deal?" My fists clenched at my side at the disgusting tone he was directing to Joselyn, and I honestly had to hold myself back from doing anything stupid.

"I—I'm sorry but y-you...oh god no." She trailed off mid sentence, turning her head down to look at the ground while reaching out for my arm and giving it a rough squeeze. With worry, I returned her squeeze and turned my body fully so I could put my arms on either side of her.

"Are you alright baby?" My tone softened as soon as I was completely focused on her, and she swallowed what seemed to be a large lump in her throat, shaking her head feverishly. But I couldn't keep my focus on her for long when I heard Darren scoff from behind me.

"I don't have time for this, if you don't get the hell out of h—" I cut him off sharply by twisting my body back around to face him, taking one long stride forward so he was forced to step back and press his back against the door, a look of fear immediately washing over his face.

Before he could stop me, I reached above his head to knock a few times on the door, hoping to catch Hailey's attention from inside. Darren tried to open his mouth to question my actions, attempting to jump away from the door, but I shut him up again.

"I have a feeling you probably know why we're here, and I'm about 99% sure your girlfriend has no idea what a manipulative little snake you are, so I suggest you just stay right there buddy." My threatening tone made him stay quiet, and just like I hoped, a few seconds later Hailey opened the door again.

"Forget your keys again hun?" Hailey giggled innocently once she stepped outside, but pressed her lips together when she saw that Joselyn and I were still here.

"Sorry to drag you out here again, but I was really hoping you'd be able to help us out here a little." I started to speak, reaching behind me to take Joselyn's hand in mine, my heart instantly tightening when I felt how much she was shaking.

"Is everything okay?" Hailey instantly looked worried when she caught sight of Joselyn, reaching out to rest her hand on her shoulder.

"She's fine, but would you mind taking her inside, I think it's lady troubles and she just needs some ibuprofen. You know how it is I'm sure." I playfully told her, keeping it very general. I didn't want Joselyn to have another panic attack, and from the way she was acting I was scared it might happen. She doesn't need to be here for this, and I won't let her get hurt by this asshole again.

"Oh yes of course!" I flashed Hailey a smile, pulling Joselyn in front of me so she could follow behind her to go inside. "I'll help you out babe, don't worry." Joselyn stopped for a second, giving me a sympathetic look, as if she was silently thanking me.

"I won't be long okay? Just calm yourself down and we'll head home soon alright?" I leaned forward so only she could hear me, then quickly pecked her cheek as I pulled away.

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