thank you

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Please make sure you read chapter 60 posted before this!! :)

I really did it, I finished Crash...

Where do I even start...holy shit it's really finished??!?!? What the fucking fuck??!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This book means so much to me and everyone who read it and loved it with me, I can't thank you enough :)

I didn't know what would come of this book, but I'm so proud of what it is. Being a whore for reading other fanfictions here on wattpad and coming up with my own ideas but always being too nervous to actually post them, and to now have a whole ass finished bro...

A cute little Harry fanfiction with a few twists and turns is what I had in mind, and I can't believe I actually did it. The time and dedication I put into this book is literally insane, like I would think about it so much that if I saw a fucking flower I'd be like "hehe okay Joselyn." I have a photo album in my camera roll with literally hundreds of pictures just for Crash related things, and so many notes and voice memos just for planning out the story, it's ridiculous. I also tell my friends about how the writing's going or when I see a comment I just really liked and wanted to share, and whenever I hit a small milestone for readers they hear all about it and I'm sure they're sick of me but I don't care. The amount of time I've spent writing while I'm at work when there's nothing to do...which I will still do with my upcoming books :)

The most important thing I have to say though, is thank you to everyone for reading, and if you even liked it a little bit I love and appreciate you so much!! My favorite thing is creating something that people are actually enjoying.

Here's some fun facts about the story that you might like to know:

•I actually started writing this book in September of 2020 but didn't publish it until May of 2021 when I had about 30 or so chapters already written.

•I've been involved in like 5 or 6 car accidents of my own, some my fault others not, even totaled two cars, that was my inspiration for the story HAHA

•When I first started writing Crash I truly had no idea where the story would go or if I'd ever even finish it, but after publishing it and really getting into writing it, I came up with most of the plot along the way. It's a wonder I came up with what I did tbh, but I can't describe how proud I am of what I came up with.

•Frank's character wasn't originally portrayed by Jared Padelecki, I changed it bc I found out some not so good things that the original person was accused of so I was like okay you're gone lmao. But so glad I went with him bc I love him with my whole heart.

•A lot of Joselyn's personality traits were inspired by my very own self lol. Cat lover, favorite color being orange, addiction to mocha iced lattes from Dunkin and despising hot coffee, music taste, the close relationship with her dad and how her dad acts bc that's exactly how my dad is, overthinks a lot, being kinda shy and quiet around new people but loud and outspoken around friends, very dependent on the people she loves...just to name a few haha.

•The pictures of Missy that were used throughout the book is actually my very own cat Olive, who sadly passed away in June 2021, somewhere in the middle of me writing Crash. So I thought it was cute that she kinda lived on in my own story in a way.

•I've thought of a total of 5 other fanfic ideas while writing Crash, and I'm so excited to finally start working on those new ideas now that Crash has come to an end.

I think that's all, so with that being said and to wrap up this long sappy note, I'm here to inform you that this isn't quite the end for Crash. I have two epilogues planned that will be coming soon, and because I love these characters and this story so much, I might end up doing more just because I can. So no, there will not be a sequel, but you don't have to say goodbye to Joselyn and Harry's story just yet.

So, I'll be posting my next fanfic, Smoke Free after this! If you enjoyed my writing and would like to come along for my next journey, feel free to check it out!!!

This book will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart simply because it's my first one and I worked so hard on it, the love and support from anyone who's been reading it is just an incredible bonus I literally couldn't be more grateful for. So again, thank you!!!

I know I've said it so many times already and throughout the book, but I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! Anyone who's been reading along the way, whether you've been here from the start, or just discovered it yesterday, I love youuuu! Anyone who's commented or voted, if you're a silent reader who's just enjoying the story from afar, I love you all the same. It's you guys who kept me motivated to keep writing and update as often as possible. This story would be nothing without you, and I appreciate every single one of you!! I hope you've enjoyed reading the book as much as I've enjoyed writing it! <3

Also, I would love to hear what your guys' favorite parts of the story, or just something you remember, any critiques, anything really. I'd love to hear your thoughts so please share here if you want!! :)

And with that, I say goodbye for now. I'll see you in the epilogues and my other works if you decide to check them out :)

Remember to TPWK everyone!! BYE BYE 😘

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