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Joselyn Myers

With everything that's been going on, in the mess of my brain I was very upset with myself for getting so caught up in my somewhat busy life these last few weeks, I totally forgot to decorate my apartment for Christmas. Now with it only being a week away, it felt a little useless, but not completely. Which is why yesterday, I came up with the fun idea to instead bring over a few decorations from my collection, and decorate Harry's living room.

Today was Friday, and he was expected to return home from his trip any minute now. To say I was excited honestly felt like an understatement. Since we discussed having our own little Christmas celebration together, just the two of us tonight, I figured decorating here was the better option.

After work yesterday, I gathered any decoration that I saw fit and the fake Christmas tree that I had, packed it all in my car, and got straight to decorating for the entirety of the day. I stood proudly admiring what I put together in just a day, the tree decorated, a big wreath hung on the wall next to the shelf, and a long strand of garland hung across his bookshelf where I also put up two red stockings on each end.

Since I only had to work half a day today due to Patricia closing the shop early for the holidays, my extended vacation has officially begun. And I didn't hesitate to drive to the grocery store and buy the necessary stuff for the meal I was planning to make for Harry and I. Once I had my soup boiling in a crockpot and the garlic bread cooling down, I got to work on wrapping Harry's gifts.

I was very excited to have him open them, thinking I did pretty well in what I chose for him. We told each other not to go too crazy on our gifts, nothing ridiculously expensive on either of our parts, and I really hope he kept his word. He's already done too much for me. One gift I had for him in particular had been in the making for a while, so I was especially excited for that one.

I didn't really have anything too special planned otherwise, just having our nice meal together and soaking up every ounce of each other's presence to make up for our time apart, listen to Christmas music on repeat, and exchange gifts. It was honestly making my skin tingle with anticipation just at the thought of having our own Christmas together—and Missy of course.

Just as I was placing the last of the Harry's gifts under the tree, I heard the jingling of keys coming from the front door and every sense of mine heightened. I couldn't help but let out a small squeal, and hop back up to my feet, scurrying over to the front door just waiting for it to swing open.

I waited eagerly a few feet from the front door, hands clasped together under my chin as I bit my lip back to try and contain my excitement. It was really no use though. As soon as the knob turned and the door was pushed open slowly, any sense of control I had over my emotions was thrown out the window.

With two suitcases dragging next to him and a bag draped over his shoulder, Harry stood there in all of his glory, dressed casually in one of his signature Hawaiian patterned shirts and a pair of bright blue trousers to match. We both took a second to actually comprehend that we were seeing each other again, just staring at each other like we were stuck in shock at the sight—I could almost feel tears brimming my eyes.

"Holy shit, Joselyn." I made out the mumbled words that fell from his lips just before he eagerly closed the gap between us, practically sprinting towards me so he could pull me in for a bone crushing hug.

The moment my arms flew around his neck, my face instinctively falling into his shoulder to take a long inhale of his heavenly scent, I felt so at home. His squeeze around my waist was so tight it was almost suffocating, but I didn't care one bit, I missed him so fucking much. "Harry, fuck I missed you so much." I breathily chuckled into his shoulder, feeling him smile against my hair and press a line of kisses from there to my forehead.

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