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Joselyn Myers

"So now that the SIM card is in the new phone, when you turn it on it'll have you do the set up process but all your old stuff should be just like you had it before." The man at the Apple store who was helping us told me over the table we were sat at, handing me my new phone.

I told Harry I would be perfectly content with getting another Iphone 8 plus like I had before, but he insisted that he buy me the newest model. I tried to argue, but of course he just kept telling me it was no big deal and to stop worrying.

"Thank you very much." I smiled back at the man and held the power button so it would turn on. He stood up from his seat and clapped his hands together, looking between Harry and I who were sat across from him.

"Of course, if you'll excuse me, I'll go grab my tablet and we can get you guys wrapped up here." When he started to walk away, all of a sudden Harry stood up as well and leaned down to my head level.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." He said quickly, placing his hand on my shoulder for a moment before I felt his presence no longer behind me. I turned my attention back to the phone in my hands and started going through all the set up screens.

After a few minutes, I finished them all and it showed me my lock screen of a simple flower field and I smiled to myself at the fact that I luckily didn't lose anything off of my old phone. A few notifications popped up from the night before and this morning that I didn't see since my phone was unavailable. I scrolled through them quickly, not seeing anything of much importance so I slid up from the bottom to show the keypad and typed in my password to unlock it just as I heard Harry's voice come up from behind me, making me turn my head to look over my shoulder.

"We're all set whenever you're ready." He kindly smiled, looking down at me still sat in the chair.

"Don't we have to, you know, pay for it?" I trailed off at the end of the sentence, not wanting to sound pushy since he was the one who was selflessly offering to buy me a new phone in the first place. He let out a breath of laughter before speaking.

"Already taken care of, no need to worry." He playfully ruffled the top of my hair making me squint my eyes at the action.

"Thank you Harry, really." I said more seriously hoping he understands how thankful I am for everything he's done for me. I watched him shake his head slowly, expecting him to scold me again for thanking him.

"It's no prob-lem." He paused between syllables forming a smirk in the middle of speaking, making me give him a confused look.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow at him, seeing his eyes flick back and forth between me and something behind me. I turned my head back to see that I had been showcasing my home screen perfectly, which was a picture of Harry from his last tour brushing his teeth, wearing his purple and gold glitter suit. My eyes instantly widened and my cheeks flushed red, knowing he definitely saw it. I quickly pressed the lock button and turned my phone upside down.

"That's a nice wallpaper you've got there." He slyly spoke from behind me, me still not turning back around to face him again.

"Kill me, kill me please." I mumbled quietly, face planting into my good hand trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Oh come on Joselyn, don't be embarrassed." I heard him let out a chuckle, feeling his hand rest on my back, sending a shiver down my spine at the contact. I let out a sigh and put on a brave face as I finally stood up from my seat, slowly turning my body to face him.

"Let's just go." I fake smiled at him only making him laugh some more as I walked past him to walk ahead of him. Once I was outside, I took a few more steps to stand at the edge of the curb in front of me before coming to a halt. Not even a second later, Harry appeared in front of me with a smirk still plastered across his face.

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