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Harry Styles

I jumped up out of whatever deep slumber I was in to the loud noise of my phone ringing from somewhere nearby. I groggily mumbled a few curse words under my breath, moving around on the uncomfortable rolling chair I had fallen asleep on. I looked over seeing Mitch in the same position in the chair next to me leading me to assume we both accidentally fell asleep while we were at the studio.
We were just messing around with the finalized version of the album, mainly being here just to discuss some final touches for the physical copy.

I fished my phone out of my pants pocket, seeing it was Joselyn 1:47 in the morning. With a bit of shock, I slowly answered it, not really knowing why she'd be calling this late.

"Hello?" I cleared my throat after hearing how raspy it was from just waking up.

"Harryyy, this is Harry!" Her voice shouted through the phone, making me pull it away from my ear slightly for a second.

"Yes, it's Harry, is everything okay Joselyn, it's pretty late." I stated tiredly, feeling a yawn come up my throat from still being half asleep.

"I don't know what to do Harry, I just wanna go to sleep but I can't." She had a whiny tone to her voice now, and I noticed that her words were a bit slurred together.

"Why can't you go to sleep?" I tried to get more information from her to understand what she needed, she sounded like she was really upset about something.

"Because, my car is here and not there." She let out a frustrated groan, and I heard the jingling of her keys in the background.

"Wait, are you not at home right now?" I sat up more, feeling a slight panic run through me.

"I went out to dinner with my friends, but they left, but then I got some free drinks!" She giggled at the end of her sentence and instantly my eyes went wide as the realization hit me.

"Oh my god, are you drunk?" I gripped my phone tighter against my cheek feeling my nerves get tense.

"No, nooo, I wasn't supposed to have a lot of drinks, but then I got free ones from the cheating man and now I'm alone and I just want to lay down but I can't drive by myself." She continued to whine after just laughing a few seconds ago, and I could hear the slight sound of her stomping her feet.

"So you're telling me you're all alone at some restaurant?" I stated clearly back to her, feeling my whole body shake up with nerves, not wanting to think about what could happen to her.

"Yes, I'm all alone now, and it's cold out here." I could basically hear her pouting, but I couldn't focus on that right now.

"Joselyn, where are you, I need you to tell me where you are right now, please." I stood up quickly as I started gathering up my stuff from off the mixing board, hearing Mitch mumble something but I completely ignored it.

"I'm at the restaurant but I can't leave, I shouldn't drive." She slurred her response and I heard what sounded like a door opening.

"No no no! Joselyn don't get in your car, just...just sit on top of it. Yeah, sit on the hood and wait there." I was practically sprinting down the halls of the studio until I was outside in the parking lot where my car was parked.

"Sit on the hood?" She asked back in confusion.

"Yes, sit on the hood and just don't—do anything. I'll come get you, you just have to tell me where you are, what restaurant?" I tried to calm my nerves to get her to actually listen to me.

"Scott's...Barn...and Grill." She slowly spoke, and slightly smirked to myself, assuming she meant bar and grill.

"Okay, I'll be there as quick as I can, stay on the phone with me until I get there." I got in my car, being my black Tesla, letting the phone call connect to the bluetooth and pulling up the map to put in the restaurant. "Alright, I'll be there in about 13 minutes, are you still there Joselyn?"

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