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Joselyn Myers

"Does it still hurt?" Harry asked as he looked down at my hand as we walked out of the hospital. I finally got my stitches taken out and now I had to wear an ace bandage around it for a few days just to be cautious that it doesn't get infected or anything. Thank goodness it was off, I can't even count the amount of times I accidentally almost split it open again after the first time because I'm just that much a fucking clutz.

"No, the doctor said it healed nicely, the bandage is just to be safe." I reassuringly returned his gaze and he simply nodded.

Last night after we watched the first Twilight movie, which Harry enjoyed and very kindly demanded that we would have to watch the others eventually, we hung out on the balcony for a while just having a long mindless conversation about anything that came into our minds. It made me feel even closer to him, and he seemed to feel the same.

We finally went to sleep just before sunrise, cuddling closely in his humongous bed and I could honestly say that was the best sleep I'd had in a while. I woke up with his legs tangled with mine and his arms still wrapped securely around me and I couldn't help but watch his gentle features for the little bit of time that I was awake before he was.

He told me that he could fall asleep like that every night if he had a choice and of course I got all flustered, but it did bring on a short discussion about our...relationship. I could practically hear the conversation repeating in my head.

"I could honestly fall asleep like this every night Joselyn, you have no idea." He admitted with a breath of laughter, making his chest move up and down, which I felt since my head was still laying against his chest.

"Huh, yeah me too." I couldn't help but agree, but a part of my stomach churned as my brain started overthinking about what was going on between Harry and I. "Seriously." I felt him jump slightly when I all of a sudden pushed myself up so I was leaning on my elbow, now looking down at him.

"What?" He met my eyes with a small grin, clearly interested in whatever I had to say.

"I uhh— do I say this without sounding crazy?" I spoke in a slight mumble, only making him chuckle in response.

"Oh come on, you're not gonna sound crazy. What's on your mind?" His soothing voice made my sudden nervousness calm down a bit, along with the feeling of him gently running his finger across my hip.

"I don't know, I just really like being around you...I like this." I timidly admitted, looking away from his gaze being a bit shy at my sudden need to tell him this. I don't know why I was being so honest all of a sudden, maybe it really was just the comforting feeling of waking up with him like this.

"Aw, seems like someone woke up on the right side of the bed this morning." He pouted his lip out playfully, teasing me before anything else.

"Oh shut up, I should've kept my mouth shut." I rolled my eyes at his remark to my attempt to bring up a slightly serious feeling I was having.

"I'm just teasing you Joselyn, come on." He leaned his head closer to mine, catching my lips in a quick kiss to shut down my annoyed comment. "Hey..." He pulled away from my lips slowly, bringing his finger under my chin to force me to meet his eyes. "I like being around you too, and I don't plan on having you gone anytime soon." I furrowed my eyebrows together in slight confusion, despite how meaningful his words were.

"But we have to leave eventually to get to my doctor's appointment." I felt a bit dumb for only focusing on that part of what he said, but I just wanted to understand what he meant. He instantly let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head as he tilted his head forward so our foreheads pressed together.

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