forty two

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Joselyn Myers

Turning to my left, I was graced with the honor of sitting next to Lizzo in all of her glory. To my right, sat Louis Tomlinson himself. It felt so surreal that I was even here right now, and to support my amazing boyfriend Harry Styles on his nomination and performance. Looking down I couldn't help but admire the beautiful emerald green ball gown that adorned my body, I don't think I had ever felt more elegant and perfect.

"Can you believe that he's nominated for a Grammy?" I turned to Louis in disbelief, still not being able to get over it.

"I know, he's worked so hard for this, he deserves it." His lovely Doncaster accent rang through my ears, sounding even stronger than I ever imagined it to be in person.

"Do you know what he's going to wear? I think that's what I'm most excited for, he's an absolute fashion icon sister." Lizzo proudly rubbed her hands together in anticipation as we waited for the crew to finish setting up the set for Harry's performance. We were all on the edge of our seats waiting to hear whatever medley he had prepared.

"He wouldn't tell me! Can you believe he hid it from me, I've been begging him for weeks just to give me a little sneak peek." I pouted my lips together at the thought of many conversations I had with Harry in anticipation of tonight's special performance. But he wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, even to his girlfriend of 4 years.

"Our next performer, you know him, I know him, we all love him..." All three of us whipped our heads in the direction of the stage ahead of us, all the lights suddenly going dim at the sound of the host announcing his performance.

"It's happening!" I giddily shook my legs up and down in my seat, frantically reaching out to take hold of both Lizzo's hand and Louis' hand in each of my own. I couldn't keep it to myself, I was just so excited!

"Without further ado, please welcome to the stage, Harry Styles!" The host jogged off the side of the stage, but the stage stayed empty for a few seconds longer to build up the anticipation. While everyone waited on the edge of their seat, people started chanting his name all around us.

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" Louis squeezed my hand in his, turning to me with a beaming smile on his face before he joined in on the chanting. "Harry! Harry! Joselyn, Joselyn!" Wait a minute, why are they chanting my name now?

"Joselyn!" I flipped my head around to look at Lizzo, but she wasn't there anymore. "Joselyn!" The sound of Louis' voice clearly shouted my name again, but when I turned to him he was gone too.

"Joselyn, wake up!"

"Ahh! Who—what the!" My body jolted up all of sudden after feeling a sudden pressure against my shoulders, and once I sat up on the bed I was sleeping on, I realized it was Harry shaking my shoulder to wake me up faster. "Harry what the fuck?" I groggily mumbled, bringing my hand up to rub the sleep from my eyes.

It was just a dream...

"I know, I'm so sorry love. I was going to let you sleep in but I have to tell you something before I head off to the Graham Norton Show." He sympathetically pouted his lips together from what I could see from just the small sunlight peeking through the curtains of our hotel room. With all the time changes and the long flight yesterday, I forgot we were in London already and it was now Friday morning.

"Fuck, what time is it?" Was all I could manage to ask, trying to turn my head to look at the clock on the bedside table, but Harry was sitting in the way anyway.

"It's only 8 am, I have to be at the studio at 9 and I was just going to kiss you on the forehead and leave like I told you last night, but then Jeff called me to give me some great news." I tried to keep up with his whispered speech, still being half asleep from being woken up so abruptly. I mean, he was literally shaking my body...this better be really good news.

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