thirty one

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Joselyn Myers

"We've been listening to your music the whole time, let me have a turn now." Hunter whined from the passenger seat, pushing his hand against Frank's shoulder who was in the driver's seat of his Jeep.

"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." Frank responded with a blank face putting his hand up in rejection, but I couldn't help but pinch my eyebrows together from the backseat once I realized what he just said.

"Did you just quote Supernatural?" I asked in a confused tone, being surprised that he just referenced a show I recommended him to watch a while ago. He met my gaze with his own in the rear view mirror, giving me a small smirk.

"Yeah, and Dean is shut your cakehole." Frank then turned to Hunter to flip him off, earning a sigh in response from him. "I'm glad I finally listened to you and started watching it, it's pretty fucking amazing." My lips curled up into a satisfied smile at his words.

"I told you!" I reached my hand up to the front seat so he could give me a high five over the center console.

"You both suck." Hunter complained, making me reach in front of me since I was sitting in the seat behind him, and tickle the inside of his neck. "Hey!" He immediately flinched away, making both Frank and I burst out in a fit of laughter.

The three of us were on our way to Blair's apartment so we could talk to her about everything. Surprisingly, when she replied to my text yesterday she invited me over rather than meeting somewhere. I was originally supposed to go with just Harry, but he had a last minute meeting to go to with his manager before we left tonight for Paris, so I asked Frank to come instead so that I wasn't alone. Then he said that Hunter was bored and lonely since Laura was visiting her brother for the day, so we dragged him along with us. After we meet with Blair, they're going to help me with my bags for the trip and take me to the airport to meet Harry.

Like I said, Harry's meeting was last minute, or else we would've done all this together, and he still wishes he could drive with me to the airport, but I told him not to worry about it and just make sure he had everything in order with whatever he needed to go to the meeting for. He felt better knowing I was with Frank and Hunter though, because he knows they'll keep me safe.

"So, is this chick going to be weirded out by you wanting to hang out out of nowhere, or are you guys actually pretty close?" Frank changed the subject, glancing through the rear view mirror to look at me again.

"I mean, it's not like we hung out much outside of work other than hitching a ride home from each other a few times, but I would consider her a friend yeah." I shrugged my shoulders, trying to explain it the best I could. "Everyone has work friends, and as much as I was technically her boss, I didn't actually boss her around in some mean kind of way. We got along pretty well to be honest, since she's only two years younger than me, we shared a lot of the same interests."

"Laura complains about her assistant, says she's really bitchy and annoying." Hunter added in, making me let out a short chuckle.

"Yeah, Sadie...she's always been a piece of work. But I know for a fact that Laura likes her better than when Monique was her assistant before getting her promotion." I shook my head slightly, shortly reminiscing to two years ago when Monique was still Laura's assistant.

She only lasted a year before getting promoted to an editor after her little affair with Mr. Silver's son, Colin, who worked along side his father. After that, Sadie was hired, and she was just nasty. She was just one of those people that seemed to have an attitude with everyone, always thinks everything is about her, and took her precious time with handing stuff in.

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