twenty eight

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Joselyn Myers

You would think that the drive to a job interview would make someone stressed, or maybe even excited, but I was neither of those things. I honestly felt pretty indifferent. If I liked the job, then more than anything I'd be shocked.

When I left Harry's a little bit ago, he wished me luck of course, but also told me to keep my mind open because I might actually end up really liking it. So that's what I was doing, I was being open minded. Open minded to the fact that I very well could be interested in taking this job, or I could absolutely hate it, and either one of those options was honestly fine by me. I'm not going to rush into the first job I'm offered just because I feel like I have to, but I'm also not going to take it if I don't truly think I'll enjoy it.

It wasn't far from my apartment, but it was a little farther away from Harry's house, so I had to leave a little earlier than I might've if I was at my own apartment so I could be there a few minutes before my interview at 11. Luckily I was able to grab an appropriate outfit to wear when I stopped at my apartment yesterday to get my bathing suit, because by then I had already gotten the email about the interview. It was a simple black dress with a white floral pattern that came above the knee, with white strappy heels and a white knitted cardigan since it was sleeveless and I wanted to seem at least somewhat professional.

I was still about 10 minutes from the shopping center when I saw I was getting a phone call from my dad on the screen in my car. Immediately, I let out a short sigh knowing I haven't talked to him since he called to tell me about my mother being released. But, I know there's nothing for me to be frustrated at him for, so I pressed the answer button.

"Hi dad." I greeted as soon as the call connected.

"Hi honey, sorry I'm calling while you're at work but I wanted to ask you this before I forgot." My eyes widened in an instant, realizing that I had yet to tell him about my current job situation. Now cursing quietly under my breath, I had to make it seem like nothing was out of the ordinary.

"It's all good dad, I'm uhh...I'm on my lunch break now anyway." As soon as the words left my mouth I squinted my eyes shut, realizing it was only 10:30 in the morning and it was a bit early for a lunch break.

"Oh, well perfect then." He surprisingly didn't question it farther, allowing a sigh of relief to to release from my lips. "I wanted to double check that you—" All of a sudden I tuned him out when a car abruptly cut in front of me and I had to quickly step on my break, my hand instinctively flying to slam the horn. But my brain quickly registered that I was on the phone with my dad, so I kept my hand hovered over the horn and blew a large air bubble in my cheeks to hold in my road rage induced outburst. "Josie, did you hear me?" I released the air trapped in my mouth to relieve the hidden tension from the situation that happened all in the span of 30 seconds, using everything in me to control myself from yelling at the annoying driver.

"I'm sorry, no I didn't." I couldn't immediately think of an excuse why, so I just decided to move past that. "What did you say again?" I spoke through slightly gritted teeth, looking ahead of me so I could flip the driver off if nothing else.

"I said, I wanted to double check that you were still coming home for Thanksgiving. Not that anything would be different this year, but I'm just reminding you. We can expect to see you here on Wednesday night right?" Oh fuck me. In all the chaos that's been going on lately it completely slipped my mind that Thanksgiving was this Thursday and I usually go home to Michigan for the entire weekend.

"Uhh...yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't I come home, of course I'll be there." I chuckled, playing it off like I hadn't forgotten.

"Well good, we're all looking forward to seeing you." He cleared his throat before speaking again. "Granny and Poppy are going to be there, and Uncle Charlie and Aunt Megan with their new little baby girl Leslie." A smile formed on my lips thinking about seeing my family members that I only saw a handful of times in a year.

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