thirty seven

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Joselyn Myers

"Look at you, my little college girl." I smiled at Harry once I walked out of the bathroom, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning forward slightly so he could slide on his white vans. They honestly looked pretty good with the rest of his simple outfit, being a long sleeve black and white striped shirt and a pair of white, wide leg pants. He was obviously referring to the Michigan State crewneck I had just thrown on for the day.

"Yes, I did go to college

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"Yes, I did go to college." I chuckled at the obvious remark, instinctively looking down my body at the thick material. "Hard to believe I actually did." I shook my head slightly, stepping to the corner of the room where I left my white converse from yesterday.

"You must be a real genius huh? It's not just anyone that gets offered an internship like you did." He flashed me a cheeky smirk as he stood up from the bed and made his way over to me.

"Ugh, please no work related talk right now. I'm already dreading telling my dad about all that later." I let out an annoyed groan, reaching my arm out to hold onto Harry's shoulder to keep balance so I could pull my shoe on.

"It'll be fine Joselyn, I only just met the man and he certainly doesn't seem like the type to get angry at you for something like this." He pointedly tilted his head down a bit, making sure he came into my line of sight before speaking again. "You know that you were fired for a bullshit reason right?" I sighed.

"Yes but—"

"And you've already got two potential new jobs coming your way." He continued as I finished with my shoes and now stood to my full height in front of him.

"I know that, but—"

"So I think that you have nothing to worry about, in fact I say that he'll be proud of you for handling a shitty situation in such a mature way." The smile on his face grew slowly as he continued his brief speech, bringing his hands around to cup my cheeks once he was finished.

"Can I talk now?" I playfully raised my eyebrows at him, not being able to hold back the smile that played on my lips from his persistence to keep my spirits high.

"One more thing, I'll also be there to back you up, for whatever reaction he has. I'll be like your hype man." With that he squished my cheeks together and leaned forward to press a light kiss on my nose. I couldn't help but chuckle at his actions, instinctively placing my hands on his chest. "Now you can talk." I rolled my eyes, but thanked him nonetheless.

"Alright, I'll try and be calm about it okay? No stressing today." I curled my lips up in a tight smile, trying to be as convincing as possible, not only to him but to myself as well. It was certainly going to take some effort to not panic or stress about having tell my dad about being fired, and that's only after having to sit through a conversation with him about whatever shit show went down yesterday with my mom.

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