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Joselyn Myers

I knew coming back to work was going to stress me out, but it was so much more than I thought. I had to spend the first half of my morning redoing most of the articles that Monique did for me because they were nothing like what was needed.

I quickly moved my fingers across the keyboard in front of me, finishing up the layout for this week's upcoming issue and slowly scanned my eyes over the screen of my computer as the words appeared. I couldn't help but form a small smile on my lips knowing I was typing up the last sentence of this report.

"Josie?" I flicked my head towards the voice that called my name, seeing that it was my assistant, Blair, standing in front of my desk.

"Yes?" I acknowledged her before glancing back to my computer quickly to try and skim the words, but keeping my ears open to hear whatever she has to say to me.

"There's a delivery for you, would you like me to bring it over?" She timidly asked, knowing I might be in the middle of something important.

"That's fine, thank you." With that she scurried away, returning a few seconds later. I looked back up at her seeing her holding a beautiful vase of flowers in her hands as she approached my desk. I pushed my rolling chair out and stood to my feet, her now having my full attention, and followed with my eyes as she set it down at the corner of my desk.

They were asters.

"It had this note too." She handed me a folded piece of paper that had my name written in a pretty cursive font.

"I um—thank you Blair." I nodded my head at her kindly before she walked off again to her own desk. With no hesitation, I unfolded the card and read over the short note that was hand written inside.

I hope you have a lovely first day back to work. Here's something to make you smile, I know they're your favorite.

I could literally feel my heart rate pick up and beat against my chest, looking back at the bouquet of flowers seeing the beautiful pink and purple flowers arranged perfectly together with a few red ones to accent. It really felt like I could actually cry at how sweet of a gesture this was, especially from Harry. I can't believe he would do this, it was so thoughtful of him and it made my heart swell. I made sure to put the note in my purse so I wouldn't lose it before moving the vase closer to my computer so I could have a better view of them for the rest of the day.

They definitely did make me smile, but not just because they were my favorite flowers, but because Harry was the one who sent them. I felt a warmth spread through my chest as I continued staring at the flowers, feeling like I was getting lost in a trance just looking at them.

"Jos, have you got the layout done for the next issue?" I was brought out of my trance when I heard Laura's voice approach me from the opposite side.

"Uh, yeah I just finished it, I'll send it to printing now." I turned my attention back to my computer and started clicking on the right files to send over to the printing area.

"Perfect, it's so nice having you back, things are starting to get back in order." I chuckled at her remark as I glanced up at her for a moment.

"It's good to be back." I exhaled a sigh as I pressed the final button on the keyboard before turning my chair to face her more.

"What's that?" Her attention moved to something behind me, making me turn back around to assume she was referring to the flowers. "Those weren't here a second ago." She walked closer to the inside of my desk to get a better look at them and I rolled my head back against the chair to look at her.

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