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one last poorly made edit for you to enjoy :)
I can't believe this is the last chapter omg

Joselyn Myers

"Don't even worry about it Jos, everything's gonna be fine. You're doing the right thing." The sound of Laura's reassuring voice echoing through my phone made me let out a relaxed sigh. I knew I needed to talk to someone before the day started, and with what I had planned I needed some last minute motivation from my best friend.

"I know, it's going to be fine—thank you for letting me vent to you one last time before Harry wakes up." I let out a small chuckle before taking a sip of my iced coffee from the straw of my portable coffee cup that Harry got me for Christmas, and practically never leaves my side.

"What are friends for? He's going to love what you have planned for today, stop thinking it's nothing special." She playfully scolded me, reiterating what I explained to her at the beginning of the call.

"Okay I'll stop, calm down." I chuckled in response, shaking my head even though she couldn't see me. The sound of the toilet flushing from the bedroom of our hotel room caught my attention, making me realize that Harry must be awake now—it's a little past 10 am, glad that my request for him to turn off his alarm last night proved successful. "I just heard Harry wake up, so I'm gonna go. Thank you again for listening, and tell Frank and Hunter I say hi and love them."

"I will, I love you too Jos—good luck today! And tell Harry we say happy birthday!" Her enthusiastic tone brought a smile to my face.

"I will I promise, okay bye!" She bid one last excited goodbye before we both hung up and I was left to my own thoughts again.

I couldn't help but lean my palms against the counter in front of me, anxiously tapping my finger against the marble as I waited for Harry to come in. Knowing what was to come of today, I was just really fucking nervous—I know I shouldn't be, but I couldn't help it. Taking short sips of my coffee only fueled my fingers to tap faster, just impatiently anticipating Harry's entrance so this day could truly get started.

There was a cart behind me with all the delicious breakfast items I ordered for Harry and I, the room service graciously brought more than I even asked for simply because they knew which room was requesting it, and they didn't want to disappoint their star-studded guest—I guess that worked out for my benefit. Everything was set up exactly how I pictured it, and so far even after the hour and a half that it took me to make sure everything was perfect, I was still so nervous for Harry to see it.

It was nothing crazy, but I guess knowing what was to come later on in the evening was just causing my stomach to churn with nerves. I made sure to request a very particular bouquet of flowers that was delivered today from a shop I found nearby when we first got to Miami. It was set up at the center of our dining table pushed against the side of the room right next to a gorgeous screen door that overlooked the Miami Beach directly across from our hotel.

Daisies, pink cosmos, calla lilies, red salvias, amaryllis, pink chrysanthemums, and finally daffodils. Every flower I specifically picked for what they represent and relating it to what today would bring for us—in addition I opted for a yellows, reds, and pinks theme just because I love the way the colors contrast against each other.

Innocence, order and harmony, beauty or attraction for someone, "forever mine", pride and accomplishment, honesty, and finally, new beginnings. Each flower meant something personal to what I was feeling, today specifically but also just in general for Harry and I's relationship. Honesty especially, coming from what we talked about yesterday I knew I had to make a last minute call to the flower shop to add the chrysanthemums in.

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