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Joselyn Myers

"Everything is already taken care of dad I promise." I was currently on the phone with my dad, telling him about how the past week has gone for me.

"So you're telling me, the other driver involved bought you a new phone and paid for half of the new car, apart from having his insurance cover the damage and hospital bill?" I could hear the confusion strung behind his voice ever since I started telling him about this whole situation.

"Yeah, it sounds crazy, I know." I said through a chuckle.

"Well yeah it's crazy! What is he, some kind of millionaire?" His voice raised slightly.

"No dad, don't say that. Look, all that matters is he did this out of the kindness of his heart and we should be grateful." I tried to calm him down a bit. I made sure to leave out the parts about how for three out of the past five days I've slept at this supposed stranger's house. I didn't feel like hearing another freak out from him, that's a talk for another day.

"I guess you're right, but jeez, I wish that stupid old truck driver would've paid for my new Jeep when he rear ended my pickup a few years back." I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Alright, let's move on okay? How're the twins?" I finally changed the subject.

"Oh, they're giving me a headache for sure this week. Farrah keeps telling me about this boy she has a crush on in her class, Gianna is practicing her violin non-stop lately, I just feel like my brain is going to explode with all the constant noise." I heard him let out a sigh and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll have to ask Farrah about that boy sometime." I chuckled back.

"Please do, I don't know how to talk about that kinda stuff without wanting to knock myself out. I love being a girl dad, but she's only 15! Why does she have to start liking boys already?" I laughed again at his outwardness.

"You're doing just fine dad, I promise, just let her fantasize while she can. Before she knows it, boys will be the least of her troubles." I told him honestly. It might just be me and my personal lack of a relationship, but boy troubles should be the least of their worries. They are only 15, but I can't say I wasn't the same way at their age. Now all I seem to be worried about these days is my job and trying to have as much of a social life as I can despite that.

"I sure hope so, I feel like she'll be asking me to go out with him soon, and I don't know what I'll do then." He sounded genuinely nervous by the thought and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Dad you'll be fine, just please don't embarrass her if it does happen. We don't need another repeat of when I first went out with a boy." I immediately heard him groan in response.

"Give me a break Josie, I was being cautious alright. How many times do I have to say that?" He sarcastically responded, knowing full well he was smirking on the other end.

"Giving him a condom on his way out is not being cautious, I still can't believe you did that thinking he wouldn't tell me." I rolled my eyes, thinking back to the scarring moment in my life. "In fact, you were practically encouraging us to have sex."

"You were 18, I'm not stupid. And you know that your mother and I—"

"Yes I know, you had me when you were both 18, don't have to remind me." I was quick to cut him off, I knew all too well about that fact. He claims that he didn't want history to repeat itself but then pulled that stunt. Make it make sense.

"Alright, alright...I think that's enough reminiscing for one phone call." He spoke through a laugh.

"It definitely is." I agreed with a chuckle.

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