epilogue one

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just in case you didn't know/already realize, but as this story is based on real life Harry and although the timeline goes into when covid happened, in this story we're pretending it doesn't exist :)) so from the end of the story on it's all my own imagination basically haha
anyways, thank you and enjoy!!

Joselyn Myers

June 20, 2020 

"Everything looks so beautiful Jos, you really outdid yourself." Moving my gaze to my right just as she was pulling down the camera lens from her eyes, Madison flashed me a wide smile to go along with her words just as she let the camera hang loosely around her neck. I immediately smiled back at her, taking the liberty of craning my neck around to the area where she had just snapped a photo of, seeing the intricate arrangement of one of the centerpieces that adorned each of the tables.

"Yeah, I think it turned out pretty nice." I smiled along with her, only watching her features drop into a blank look.

"Pretty nice? Give yourself some more credit, for crying out loud." Madison nudged her shoulder into mine, both of us falling into a quiet fit of laughter. I dropped my forehead onto her shoulder to hide my laughter, but it proved useless.

"I think you give me too much credit sometimes." I shook my head at her, lazily trailing behind her as I weaved through the chairs and tables around us.

"Hey, gotta suck up to my boss any chance I can get." Immediately I let out a small groan, slapping the back of her elbow just to earn another snicker in response.

"You know I hate when you call me that, it makes me feel way too authoritative. You just...work for me." I rubbed against my arm slowly, knowing how contradicting I sounded, but we've had this discussion enough that I know she gets what I mean.

"Jos, that's the same thing as being my boss." Madison didn't hesitate to slap a sly smirk across her face, pausing her movement of bringing her camera up again just to give me that taunting look.

"Oh shut up, just keep taking pictures." I crossed my arms in defeat, just tilting my head towards the next table setup. She chuckled lightly in response, proceeding to lift the camera lens up to the her face to snap another photo.

Giving each other a hard time was nothing out of our usual nature of course, Madison and I have become quite close in the last five months—as close as you could assume after offering her a job to work for my up and coming flower shop.

A lot of things came with making everything that's happened in the last five months possible, and one of them being that I knew right from the start that I didn't want to do this alone. I wanted to have someone working with me, someone to assist in running the flower booths at the shows, and as soon as I remembered Madison once telling me she had a passion for photography, I knew she was the first one I'd ask. When she was more than willing to quit her minimum wage job at the coffee shop with nothing but excitement for the opportunity, I knew I had made the right decision.

Since then, with a lot of hard work, planning, and dedication, my very own flower business was up and running, ready to travel the world.

Miss Sun's Floral Arrangements

Yes, I did in fact decide to name my flower business after my cats, because yes of course I did. It seemed like such an adorable concept and it took me about a week of tossing around ideas, different combinations of the two, in addition to some of the other possible candidates, but I just couldn't stop coming back to those two little bundle of joys.

I could still remember very vividly the moment we decided that was the name we were going with, and the way it came about honestly just swayed me towards it more.

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