forty eight

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!!sexual content ahead!!
if you'd like to skip it, there will be ** where it's starts and ends :)

Harry Styles

It hadn't rained here in a while, and I didn't know how much I would miss something as dreary as it raining in LA. But knowing that I've been missing out on seeing Joselyn stick her arms out of one of her bedroom windows so she could use her wet fingers to flick rainwater onto her windowsill plants, I'd wish for it to rain everyday. Just another adorable thing that she does to add to the constantly growing list.

"So logically, I feel like I can understand why rainwater is better for plants because it like falls from the sky, so it's more natural or whatever, but...why is it exactly?" I couldn't bite my tongue anymore, having been laying against the pillows on her bed with my arms and legs crossed over one another for the past 30 minutes watching her do this, her simple remark earlier of, "I always do this when it rains, it's better for the indoor plants" just simply left me more confused.

She turned her head around at the sound of my voice, smiling wide as she brought her right arm back into the room and flicked her fingertips above a tiny cactus plant on the windowsill. "Well yes, you're right, it's more natural." She paused for a second so she could flick off the last remaining droplets of water onto the row of small plants, then wiping her hands off on a towel she brought out earlier and taking a seat in her desk chair. "But the technical reasoning is because rainwater is naturally more acidic, which is really good for plants, and it's free of all the added chemicals and minerals that might get added to tap water. Which for indoor plants isn't the most ideal since the chemicals and stuff can buildup and harm the plants easier since it's in such a compact space. And also, since normally plants get most of their nitrogen intake from the soil, using rainwater gives it even more because it includes nitrates as well—and that is very important for the plants to have a nice lush foliage." She finished her explanation off with a firm point of her finger at me.

I was left speechless for a moment, just getting lost in how effortlessly she knew all these facts about gardening and plants and stuff, and I loved hearing her tell me about it more than anything. "Huh...well I did not know all that, but now I feel just a little bit smarter." I chuckled, seeing her do the same as she tossed the towel on the desk behind her. "It's still just so incredible to me that you know all this stuff just at the top of your head, and this isn't even stuff you went to school for." I let out a short scoff of disbelief, watching as her lips pressed together for a shy smile.

"Well fun fact, I technically did take a Gardening 101 class in my freshman year of college, just because I was already so interested in it and I needed an extra credit, but I quickly realized that I had spent so much of my free time learning about all the stuff myself over the years prior to that I could've taught the class myself—I knew everything already." I watched her eyebrows raise matter of factly, bringing her hands together to rest against her stomach as she leaned back against the chair.

"Oh really? Well look at you little miss smarty pants." I teasingly kicked my foot off the bed to nudge against her thigh, earning a swat against the ankle in response as she giggled at my movement. "Did you end up dropping the class?" I asked further, once I settled my leg back onto the bed with a cheeky smile.

"Are you kidding? A whole semester getting to take care of the University's garden and hearing someone talk about flowers all day—fuck no I didn't drop it." She pointedly thrusted her head forward for emphasis on her words, scoffing unbelievably as if my question was completely outrageous...which now that I think about it, I'm not surprised.

"Why am I not surprised?" I chuckled, seeing her shrug her shoulders innocently at my remark before spinning her chair around to look back at the window she was at before.

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