fifty four

802 19 19

Joselyn Myers 

With one last delicate touch to my bun, smoothing it over so no fly aways were visible, I finally felt satisfied with look of the low bun I did up. It had been a long time since I did my hair in a tight bun like this, since I only ever did it for work at HR, but what better time to bring it back then for Laura's bridal dress fitting. It also made sense because with having to try on however many bridesmaids dresses, having my hair out of the way would definitely make it easier.

It's a wonder how I managed to put myself together every morning like this for four years and not get tired of it, because I already felt myself squirming my shoulders back in the fitting material of the baby pink pencil skirt dress and blazer I had on. I've personally never been apart of a bridal party so I was honestly unaware that we had to dress this fancy just for the dress fittings, but Laura very clearly instructed that it was necessary—she didn't want to deal with her mother chatting her ear off if we didn't look presentable for the nice dress shop she booked the appointment at.

I quickly applied some mascara, and making the last minute decision to put on some bold red lipstick, I finally finished getting ready

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I quickly applied some mascara, and making the last minute decision to put on some bold red lipstick, I finally finished getting ready. The only thing left to do now so I made to to Laura's on time, was to get Sunny into a carrying cage for the first time—no clue if he'll even like it yet...yay!

"Okay Sunny boy, you ready to go on your first roadtrip?" I spoke out loud with a high pitched voice, knowing that him and Missy were already cuddled up together on my bed behind me.

Seeing the two kitties get along so well with each other over the last week has been so amazing. I'm still stunned that Frank even got me a kitten in the first place if I'm honest, but I couldn't be more grateful. Sunny has basically attached himself to Missy's hip everyday since he's been here. If Missy follows me to my room, Sunny follows too, if Missy takes a nap on the couch, Sunny takes a nap with her and so on. If there ever was a perfect cat for me to get after Missy, it was Sunny—it's like he was made for me.

Slowly, I leaned forward on the bed so I could reach my arm out to pet either of the half asleep cats, Sunny letting out a small yawn as soon as my hand touched him. My lips pouted at the sight, feeling bad that I had to disturb their peace and put them in the cat carrier to take them to Harry's. So I decided to let them lay a little longer while I went outside my bedroom to open the closet in the hallway to grab the cat carrier.

Of course my own peace was disturbed when Frank's door suddenly swung open, nearly making me drop the heavy object straight to the floor. "Hey Josie—oh wow, you look nice." I flicked my gaze over to see him leant against the door frame right next to me, looking me up and down with a small wolf whistle blowing past his lips.

"Thanks, I'm getting ready to head out for Laura's dress fitting." I flashed him a small smile, picking up the weight of the cat carrier by the handle on top and turning to face him completely.

"Oh yeah, that is today isn't it?" He pointed a finger out to the side, his voice dripping in obvious sarcasm telling me he did in fact remember that was today. "And you're getting the cat you have plans afterwards?" Frank raised a curious eyebrow at me as he reached out to point at the carrier in my hands.

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