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Joselyn Myers

I felt a slight movement from under me, causing me to stir a bit, but still being half asleep. Without even a second thought, I felt myself drifting back to sleep, but when I heard someone whispering all of a sudden, my body refused to go back to sleep but my eyes stayed shut.

"I know, I had something to take care of, but you really can't say shit because you fell asleep too." I figured out that it was Harry's whispers coming from above me.

With every word he spoke I felt the surface my head was on vibrate, making me realize I was sleeping on Harry's chest. I vaguely remember him coming to pick me up from the restaurant last night and then coming here, but I can't exactly recall falling asleep on him.

God I hope I wasn't embarrassing.

"Oh stop whining, it's not even a big deal." I heard him let out a quiet sigh. "Yes, everything's done, the albums should be getting put together worldwide for shipments by the end of the week. I know I'm excited too, but can I call you later now that you're done complaining?" It was honestly quite hard to continue pretending I was asleep since I felt the urge to laugh at what he said. "Thank you, bye Mitch." I assumed he now hung up the phone, but I stayed still in my position, only taking soft breaths as if I was still asleep.

I suddenly felt his hand that wasn't wrapped around my back reach up to run his fingers through my hair lightly. He started to gently massage my scalp and continued dragging his fingers through the hair softly, stopping when he would hit a knot. I could feel my heart rate pick up at the simple action, loving the delicate touch of his fingers rub against my scalp.

Without thinking, I let out a satisfied hum but he continued with his movements not thinking anything of it to my surprise. I could honestly sit here all day and have him do this, but I'm sure he's been up for a while and I've just kept him trapped in this position for who knows how long. 

"I don't wanna make you feel bad but I've been trying hard not to act a fool...my sunflower." He suddenly started quietly mumbling words to the tune of a song I didn't recognize at all, but I tried my hardest to focus on what he was saying. Something about a sunflower, but that's all I could make out.

"Sunflower, my eyes, want you more than a melody. Let me inside, wish I could get to know you." He continued to sing barely above a whisper, and my brain was trying so hard to comprehend what he was saying, but the continuous slow strokes of his fingers through my hair was making it almost impossible. I couldn't help but wonder what he was singing, or why he was mumbling them to himself.

"My sunflower." This time he simply stated the words, being the clearest I heard him speak so far, but I still had no idea what he meant by it. Why was he talking about a sunflower?

Now I really never wanted to move from this position. I could listen to him sing all day, even if he was whispering, his voice was just so angelic.

I inhaled deeply, feeling his hand freeze for a moment, but not moving from off my head immediately. He probably thought I was still asleep, so he was being very delicate with his touch, almost feather like. The warmth spreading through my chest was uncontrollable at this point. But then a sudden thought of him staring down at me sleeping made my chest tighten a bit.

Holy shit, I probably look like a train wreck right now, especially from the angle he was seeing me from.

With that thought in my head, I shuffled a bit to pretend I was just waking up and he instantly moved his hand off my head. I fluttered my eyes open finally and turned my head upwards to be met with his mesmerizing emerald eyes already looking down at me.

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