forty seven

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the pics may be poorly edited bc i'm not an expert, but it's just for the vibes of the chapter so don't judge :')

Joselyn Myers

"Why do have to have so many fucking books?!" Hunter groaned, entering the guest bedroom of my apartment, which I suppose could now officially be referred to as Frank's bedroom. He held two clear plastic bins that looked well over a few pounds simply from the amount of books that could be seen stacked inside.

"I'm an English teacher, the fuck do you think?" Frank sarcastically scoffed back in response, leaning forward to help him set them down on the floor next to the bookshelf that they had just finished reassembling.

"Hmm, yeah I still don't know how you managed to pull that one off." I saw in the corner of my eye Hunter flicked Frank's nose as they both leaned up to stand to their full height again, making Frank squeeze his eyes in frustration.

"Just help me put the books on the shelf you twat." I chuckled quietly to myself at the bickering brothers, flicking my gaze over to Laura who was doing the same thing. Her and I were currently unpacking Frank's clothes and hanging the tops up in the closet—we already finished refolding all of his pants and shorts so they would fit neatly in the dresser he brought rather than having them stuffed up in balls of fabric like he had them.

It was a little past 5 according to the last time I checked the clock a few minutes ago, and we were nearing the end of getting Frank fully moved in. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought, since the three of them didn't even get the the apartment until 12:30. That was of course after I rushed to get here by 11 from Harry's since that's when we originally planned for them to come, but apparently they forgot to set their alarms last night before passing out drunk.

I still felt completely exhausted, currently running on two cups of coffee from Dunkin after Harry drove me there without even having to ask this morning. We somehow managed to fall asleep for a little bit longer after I woke up at 5, but we were up and out of the house by 10:30. After dropping me off at my apartment, he was off to the studio for the filming of The Ellen Show, and he told me he'd let me know when he's done and on his way over here again.

What hasn't quite processed with me, is the fact that Harry is leaving to go to London on Monday to stay there for five days. This being the first time I'll have to go through not always having him around due to his sometimes hectic work schedule, I was a little bummed to say the least. But I know we'll be okay, it's only five days, and he'll be back here to have our own Christmas celebration before he leaves to go back to London, then I'll be flying out there to meet him until we leave for our New Years vacation. As much as it'll suck not being able to see him for a few days, it's just something we have to do.

With no point in dwelling on it right now, I shook the thoughts from my head and focused back on the task at hand. Taking another shirt from the box we were nearly done unpacking, I pulled another hanger and neatly placed the shirt on it, lining it up against the cluster of shirts that now almost completely filled the closet.

"Oh my god, Frank!" I gasped, holding up another shirt from the box that I hadn't seen in ages. "I can't believe you still have this!" I turned the t-shirt towards the other side of the room where him and Hunter were crouched next to the bookshelf.

"Oh yeah, you were the one who insisted I get it back in the first place." Frank chuckled, taking a small break so he could stand up and walk over to me and take it from my hands to inspect it.

"Well yeah! You gave it to that girl who ghosted you and this is a gift way too good to be left in her hands." I scoffed, reaching out to poke Frank's knee defensively. "I can't believe I shared my love of Friends with such a horrible woman." I shook my head disapprovingly as I thought back to the fact that when Frank was seeing this girl I found out she had never seen Friends, and practically forced her to binge watch it with us for a while and ended up getting her hooked on it too. Ultimately resulting in Frank buying her a t-shirt for her birthday that year that said "You're my lobster."

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