twenty four

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Harry Styles

"This might sting." I warned Joselyn before pressing the alcohol soaked cotton pad over the open scrapes on her left elbow. She instantly hissed through her teeth when it touched her skin and I just gave her a sympathetic look, trying not to put too much pressure on it.

She was sitting on the sink counter in the bathroom of her bedroom and I was stood between her legs. I already wrapped her wrist up with the ace bandage, keeping an ice pack in place for the time being. The other elbow was done as well, bandaged up with a butterfly bandage and another cotton pad, and I still had to clean the one on her hip.

She's been very quiet this whole time and I didn't want to push her to talk to me about what happened, or say anything for that matter, but I was going crazy with the silence. I knew she was probably stressed about what happened, and I can guarantee she's just piling it up in her mind with the other things that's happened. I hate seeing her upset, and I wish I could just see her smile all the time.

I was going to make sure that whoever hurt her would pay for it. I already planned to call Jeff to tell him I'd need my lawyer so we can discuss suing whatever company those photographers were working for. Surprisingly, not even me asking Joselyn if I could take a picture of the mark on her wrist made her say anything.

"Schneider's Photography." Her meek voice all of sudden broke me out of my thoughts, making me look away from her wound and instead at her face.

"What?" I gave her a confused look, just wanting to make sure I heard what she said clearly, but she still wasn't looking at me.

"Schneider's Photography...that's the company that sent the photographers. I saw the logo on one of the vans and I recognized it from emails I used to get at work." She kept her gaze down at the wound on her elbow just as I finished cleaning it up. I pressed my lips together, feeling them tug upwards just barely from just hearing her voice again.

"Thank you for the information baby, we can talk about all the technical stuff there anything else you wanna say?" I tried to not seem too pushy, but I honestly didn't know if I could take this silent treatment anymore. Even if she wasn't doing it on purpose and she's just struggling to keep all her thoughts in line, I just needed to hear her.

"Um, I had some chicken tenders and fries for dinner, they were good." I couldn't help the laughter that escaped my lips at her words. She really was something else, but it's exactly why I admired her so much.

"It definitely sounds good." I let out another chuckle, pressing the bandage on her cut and setting her arm down so she could rest it in her lap. "Anything else?" She finally lifted her head and I was met with her beautiful, light green eyes that I could definitely get lost in if I wasn't careful.

"Thank you for helping me clean up." The smallest smile appeared on her lips and it instantly made my heart start pounding.

"You're welcome...we still need to do the one on your hip." I reached out to gently hold the opposite hip so I didn't risk touching the scrape, and just started tracing my thumb over her exposed skin.

"I can get that one myself, I wanna jump in the shower if you don't mind." She used her left arm to reach out and grip my bicep in her hand before moving down my arm until she was holding my hand.

"Of course, do whatever you need." I leaned in to press a kiss on the tip of her nose, then brought her hand up to my lips and doing the same to her knuckles.

"Hmm, you'll still be here when I'm done right?" Her innocent tone made my whole body shudder, feeling that same feeling when she asked me to just hold her when she showed up in New York a day early.

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