forty one

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Joselyn Myers

There was no better feeling than being surrounded by the people you loved, and that's exactly where I was right now. Not only did I love and care about the people around me, but they seemed to feel just the same about me. They were all here helping me celebrate a very momentous thing that happened for me today, they were all here because of my successful job interview and I couldn't be happier. And not only that, but the reason they're all here is because I had a boyfriend that cared about me so much, that he was the one who put this whole thing together.

"A toast to Joselyn, we are all so unbelievably proud of you!" Harry pulled me farther into his side, raising his glass of whiskey in the air just as everyone around us was. Frank, Laura, Hunter, Mitch, Sarah, Jeff, Hailey, and Blair...all of them here to celebrate me.

"To Joselyn!" Everyone spoke in unison before we all clinked our glasses into the center and took a swig of our drinks. Of course Hailey just had a lemonade, but everyone else had some sort of mixed drink or beer of some sort.

"You know, I really love this outfit." I pressed my pointer finger against Harry's chest once I pulled my glass of wine away from my lips.

"It's my Joselyn inspired outfit." He triumphantly stepped back and puffed out his chest to show off the outfit he changed into just before everyone got here. It was a white t-shirt that said Women are Smarter, and a pair of orange trousers, I'm assuming because that's my favorite color.

"Very clever." I giggled, leaning up on my tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the lips before unraveling myself from his embrace so I could go sit in the living room with everyone else.

I smiled as I took a seat next to Mitch with Harry taking the spot next to me, and Mitch immediately placed his arm over my shoulders to pull me into his side. "How're you feeling Jos, you ready to kill it at this new job?" He happily squeezed me against his side, flashing me a toothy grin before bringing his drink to his lips. I found it really amazing that even though I've only hung out with Mitch and Sarah on a few occasions, they both welcomed me with open arms into Harry's life and that just makes me feel so happy. Since they were basically the Frank, Laura, and Hunter in Harry's life, it meant so much to me.

"I'm really excited, I can't wait to be working around something I love everyday." I happily replied, taking a sip of my own drink.

"Not gonna miss writing and all that stuff?" He bluntly followed up his previous question, and I honestly loved that Mitch was a very straight to the point person. He knew when to be cautious of someone's feelings too, but the fact that he didn't mind being blunt within reason was very intriguing.

"I'm sure I might miss it a little and it might take some getting used to accepting that I won't be doing that for a living anymore, but I know I'll be just as happy working at the flower shop." I spoke truthfully, thanks to my liquid courage I had been sipping on for the past hour I didn't mind revealing my honest thoughts on this new lifestyle change.

"See, that's what I like about you. You don't mind change, and you're willing to put yourself out there and take some risks." He patted my shoulder as he beamed with pure excitement. I couldn't help but chuckle at his energetic character, quickly glancing at Harry to see him laughing as well. "Harry, where has this woman been all your life?" I watched Mitch's hand lift off my shoulder so he could ruffle the side of Harry's hair, only making him swat his hand away while rolling his eyes.

"Please Mitch, drink more, I don't think you're obnoxious enough yet." Harry jokingly gripped around Mitch's forearm to throw it off of my shoulder so he could replace it with his own. Mitch easily got a kick out of his ability to tease Harry without much effort, and the interaction only made me smile more.

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