twenty two

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Joselyn Myers

"This is so beautiful, oh my goodness." I gasped at the sight in front of me once Harry moved his hands from over my eyes.

After a wild and exciting night last night, Harry insisted that he take me to do some sight seeing while we were still in New York today. Of course, the day didn't start off without me teasing him for going a bit over board with his drinks, making for quite an eventful evening. But unlike me, he didn't really embarrass easily so he just prided himself for being so entertaining. I had a fun time as well so I can't say much, and having Harry be the most clingy and cuddly I'd ever seen him was definitely a bonus.

It was especially hard to get him in for the night, that boy did not want to go to sleep. Even though we didn't get back to the hotel until close to 3 am, Harry was wide awake, and very clingy.

"Harry, you've gotta come up to the bed." I fluttered my own eyes slightly, trying to keep them open from being so tired myself. Sarah had helped me bring Harry back up to his room, considering he couldn't balance himself enough to stand on his own. It was quite entertaining yes, but I was drunk too, so I had to make sure I had some common sense in order to make sure Harry was okay.

"I like it here on the floor, you come down here." He giggled from his position on the carpet, then pouted his lips out at me. I watched him open his arms as if he was waiting for me to come hug him, but I just chuckled under my breath as I tossed my dress from the night into my dirty laundry pile. Of course I opted for wearing Harry's pink shirt to bed again.

"Harry..." I dragged his name out in a whine, taking a seat on the edge of the bed in front of where he was seated on the floor.

"Joselyn..." I rolled my eyes at his attempt to imitate my stern tone. I heard him snickering from below me, but was caught completely off guard when I felt his hands grip around each of my ankles, then pull me off the bed so my ass fell onto the carpet.

"Ow! Harry, why'd you do that?" I complained, but couldn't help but giggle when he pulled my legs forward so I was sitting in between his legs.

"I'm sorry, but I needed to hold you." He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, then pulled my body forward into his own so our chests were pressed together. "Mmm, you're so warm." He mumbled into my shoulder, squeezing me tighter in his arms. "Play with my hair, I like when you do that." I can't even complain about the slight sting on my ass from him pulling me onto the floor when he's being the most adorable human on earth right now.

"Aww, someone wants attention huh?" I teasingly cooed, as I obeyed his request and started running my fingers through his curly locks. He nodded his head against my shoulder, humming in agreement like a child, but fuck, it was adorable.

"Only want attention from you." He lazily spoke, sounding as if he was starting to drift off in his own mind and not even realizing he was speaking. It was almost as if me holding him and playing with his hair was lulling him to sleep, which would honestly be amazing because I know he needs to get some sleep. I know I'm tired, so I can only imagine he's exhausted on the inside, the drinks just woke him up for a while.

"What's it gonna take to get you up in the bed big boy?" I asked with a slight chuckle, only earning a groan of disapproval and his arms squeezing my torso even tighter, like he didn't want to let go.

"Nooo, we can just stay here." He whined, nuzzling his head into my shoulder and pressing his lips firm against my collarbone. I couldn't help but inhale a sharp breath at the sudden action, not expecting him to be so forward.

In my own hazy mind, still being slightly tipsy myself, the feeling of having Harry's amazingly soft lips latch onto my skin with such desperation made my whole body get all tingly. It was almost enough to distract me from trying to get him into the bed to go to sleep, almost.

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