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Harry Styles

"You did what?!" Mitch's voice shouted through my phone, making me pull it away from my ear for a second.

"I didn't do it on purpose asshole, but I want to help her so can you please just listen to me." I let out a frustrated sigh at his outwardness.

"Well sorry if I'm a little thrown off by the fact that you hit some girl's car and nearly broke her legs. What were you even doing that made you miss the stop sign?" He scolded me like a parent only making me roll my eyes.

"Look, that's not important right now, can you just pick me up and take me back to my house. I wanna get her a change of clothes and I need my Mercedes so I can drive back alright!" I whisper shouted back at him, trying not to draw too much attention to myself standing in the waiting area of the hospital.

"Fine, what hospital are you at?" He finally gave in.

"Green Grove." I told him with a satisfied smile.

"I'll be there soon." He hung up the phone quickly without saying goodbye. I know he's my best friend and all, but man can he be annoying.

My thoughts were running wild ever since I left Joselyn's room. I can't seem to stop replaying every moment since the crash, the feeling of guilt was overwhelming. Seeing her in so much pain right after the crash was like a stab in my heart, and knowing that I was the reason for it just made me feel so awful. It really threw me off that she was being so understanding and forgiving about the situation.

I still felt absolutely horrible about causing the crash and putting her in this situation, but I couldn't help but feel a slight warmth spread through my body thinking about all the kind things she said. I'd still be beating myself up a lot more if it weren't for her being so reassuring about everything. The fact that she wasn't even showing any kind of anger towards me was shocking really.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard an obnoxious car horn beeping through the closed doors of the hospital, making me look up to see Mitch parked out front. I was quick to walk through the doors of the hospital and get in the passenger side of the car, being met with a very tired looking Mitch sitting behind the wheel.

"You're lucky I love you, it's fucking 2:30 in the morning." He groaned, not wasting a second before pulling away.

"I know, thank you. Just get me home and you can go back to sleep." He mumbled something in response but I couldn't even make it out.

"Why are you interested in helping this girl anyway?" I turned back to look at him, giving him a baffled look.

"Did you not hear me before? I crashed into her car and now she's in the hospital for almost breaking her legs, I'm not just gonna brush this off and pretend that I didn't just make her life hell right now. It's the right thing to do and she's being way too forgiving about everything even though she didn't deserve any of this." I answered like it was obvious. "I'm really fucking lucky she's basically an angel walking on earth."

"She's what?" Was all he said, clearly being half asleep and probably didn't even take in all of what I just said.

"She wouldn't even let me apologize, kept telling me that I should stop worrying and it was all okay." I simply stated, thinking back to all the kind words that she said to me just a little while ago.

"Fuck, you really managed to crash into the nicest girl. If I were her I'd be livid with your dumbass." I only rolled my eyes at his blunt words, turning to look out the window.

"Thanks, it's not like I didn't realize that already." I scoffed quietly, and I hear him chuckle to himself. I was not in the mood to deal with his snide comments, all I wanted was to get the stuff from my house and get back to the hospital. Hopefully Joselyn is getting some well deserved rest and she'd still be asleep by the time I got back.

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