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Joselyn Myers

Monday seemed to come around fast, so I had to go to work just like usual, but of course I ended up accidentally slicing my stitches open by accident against a pile of papers. I had to go back to the hospital to get the stitches redone, and my boss told me to take the rest of the week off because he didn't want to risk me hurting myself even more. He tried to reassure me that it was totally okay by telling me that Monique would cover for me in the mean time, but really it just stressed me out more.

So now here I am, sprawled out on the couch in my living room looking up at the boring white ceiling, trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do with myself for the next week having no work. Work was a big part of my life, so maybe I could take this opportunity to do some things I haven't given myself time to do.

I already told Laura and Frank, and Laura later passed on the news to Hunter, all about the accident and everything that happened with Harry. To say they were shocked was an understatement, and it took me so long to convince them it was all true. I actually felt quite stupid since the last things I thought of to try and convince them was to show them my new phone and the pictures with Harry. I was a bit overwhelmed after he dropped me off on Saturday so can you really blame me for being a bit slow.

It was quite entertaining though when Laura started pacing around my kitchen repeating, "Harry Styles hit my best friend with his car" under her breath over and over again. Frank was quick to start teasing me about the fact that I had some big celebrity crush on him and he earned plenty of slaps to the chest for that.

Yes, I was a fan of Harry's music, and yes I used to be a bit obsessed with One Direction, but that doesn't mean that I can't act mature about the situation. He was just a human being after all, not some object that I should freak out over seeing in person. If this happened a few years ago then maybe I'd be acting a bit different, but that's besides the point.

It was still a bit strange getting a phone call from Harry for the past two days and it was definitely going to take some getting used to. He made sure to call me a few hours after dropping me off at my apartment on Saturday, saying he just wanted to talk, then did the same again yesterday. I wasn't necessarily expecting him to call me at some point today, but I couldn't help but check my phone pretty often throughout the day. Especially since getting home from the hospital a little bit ago, I've been bored out of my mind.

In other news, the car insurance company called me this morning to tell me that my car was totaled, so I'd be getting a check deposited into my account to make up for the loss. I didn't even really know how to react to that news, but I was going to miss that cute little Honda. I bought it new when I moved here to LA, so I've been through a lot with it, but I'm sure I'll find another car soon enough that will be just as good.

I let out a short sigh, looking at my phone again, seeing the time displayed across the top of my phone reading that it was a little past 5. I'd normally just be getting off work now, and that thought alone made me groan in frustration. I'm gonna go absolutely crazy being stuck home, especially with no car.

I ran my fingers through Missy's fur, looking down at her laying on my stomach and slightly curled my lips upwards for the first time today because other than this, it's been an absolute terrible day.

All of a sudden, my phone started to ring, and my whole body jolted forward so I was sitting up when I saw Harry's name displayed on the screen. Missy had run away because of my sudden movement, but I didn't care at the moment. I felt my smile slowly grow some more as I pressed the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke first.

"Why hello Joselyn, how are you?" His cheery tone spoke back through the phone.

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