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Joselyn Myers

The past few days have certainly been better than Monday, that's for sure. Yesterday, Harry announced his album to be released on December 13, and that he was going on a world tour starting in April of next year, people were going nuts to say the least. I've already seen some people recreate the outfit and pose that Harry does from the cover, it was quite impressive.

Harry was even kind enough to invite me to go out with him and some of his friends and band mates for drinks to celebrate. I was more than thrilled when he told me to bring Laura, Hunter, and Frank as well. It was so nice meeting all of his friends and everyone seemed to get along with each other quite well. It really was something I needed to get my mind off of the paparazzi pictures of being seen with Harry and worrying about my boss's reaction.

I think my favorite part of the whole evening was after I met Mitch, who I was very excited to meet, he was teasing Harry the whole night about the fact that we met by him crashing his car into mine. Seeing Harry's death glares to Mitch every 5 minutes was certainly a sight to see.

Harry and the band left late last night to leave for New York, and for some reason it was hard for me to say goodbye to him even though I knew I'd be seeing him in two days. I guess if you spend most of your free time with someone, you miss them even more when you're not.

There were arrangements for me to have Harry's driver pick me up at my apartment around 7 tomorrow night to take me to the private plane for New York. It didn't feel real that something like this was happening to me, I mean, I'm going to be riding in a fucking private plane...that's crazy. I was smart though, or maybe overly excited, so I already had my bags packed and ready to go and I just had to get through the rest of today and tomorrow before I was living it up in the Big Apple.

"Do you think having a summer wedding would be too cliché? I love the fall weather, but I know for a fact I'm gonna be wearing a sleeveless dress, but I don't wanna be cold." I focused my attention to Laura who was sat across from me while we both were on our lunch break, sharing a bag of chips she got from the vending machine.

"If you can't pick one or the other, just go for spring, that's a nice middle ground. Maybe sometime in April would be good." I shrugged my shoulders casually but watched her eyes widen at my words.

"I can't plan my wedding in 5 months! Are you crazy?" She raised her voice and I jumped back a bit at the sudden volume change.

"I know, I didn't mean this April, you can wait until the following year, there's no rush Laura." I reached my hand out to gently pat hers so I could calm her down. She took a short breath as she placed her hand over her heart.

"You're right, I got carried away. I must be crazy, I only got engaged a week ago and all I can think about now is planning the wedding." I couldn't help but chuckle at her, but not being surprised. It is pretty much all she talks about now, but I don't mind, I know it's what any newly engaged person would do. Not to mention I'm so happy for her and Hunter, and the fact that they'll be having a wedding together one's just unreal.

"I like listening to your wedding rambles, they're always so fun." I teased, earning a not so subtle eye roll from her.

"Good, because they won't stop anytime soon." We both laughed at her comment before taking another chip from the bag placed between us.

"You know—" I started to speak but was abruptly cut off when the door to the break room slammed open, causing both Laura and I to jump in our seats.

"Joselyn, can I have a word with you in my office?" My boss, Mr. Silver, spoke in a tone that sent a shiver down my spine. He spoke loudly, but it felt like he was whispering directly into my ear with how demanding he sounded.

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