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Joselyn Myers

"You've gotta stop stressing, I'm sure it's nothing bad." I reassuringly placed my hand on Laura's shoulder as we walked out of our office building since our work day was finally over. She's been in a state of panic ever since she got a text from Hunter an hour ago saying he needed her to come to his house after getting off as quickly as possible.

"Easier said than done, I asked him if everything was okay and he just says 'just hurry', like how am I meant to think that's anything good?" She rubbed her forehead quickly, moving her fingers down to pinch the bridge of her nose. I couldn't help the sad look on my face as I watched her, hoping that she was just over thinking and it wasn't actually anything bad.

"It'll be okay Laura, just get there first before you make any judgements." I continued looking at her, watching as she lifted her head back up to look straight ahead of us. It almost seemed like a switch went off in her brain when all of a sudden her saddened features turned upwards, and she now displayed a devious smirk.

"Jos, I think your Uber is here." I furrowed my eyebrows together looking at her, but she just motioned her head forward. I turned my head to look at whatever she was referring to and I think my heart grew ten times its size.

Harry was leaning against his parked car by the curb, his feet crossed over each other and arms over his chest, peering over his sunglasses to lock eyes with mine. I felt Laura nudge my shoulder lightly which brought me out of my initial shock of him being there, even though I knew he was coming.

"He's so effortlessly handsome, it's not fair." Laura spoke loudly, but we were still a few feet away from him so I don't think he heard her. I quickly swatted her arm before quickening my pace, now being eager to reach where he was.

I was a bit mesmerized by his somewhat casual outfit, but on him it looked like the highest designer fashion, which it probably was now that I think about it. Laura was right, he was just effortlessly handsome. I raked my eyes up and down his body, looking at his open yellow bowling type shirt over a white tank top, tan trousers and a pair of white dress boots. Wow.

"Hi Joselyn, and..." He trailed off once we were close enough and he directed his gaze to Laura, holding his hand out to her.

"I'm Laura, Josie's super cool best friend." They shook hands, Laura flashing him a bright smile to go along with her charming introduction.

"Oh, so you're the famous Laura?" Harry's eyebrows moved upwards, and I saw Laura quickly turn her head to face me.

"I'm famous am I? That's certainly strange coming from you, but glad to hear Jos can't stop talking about me." She playfully wrapped her arm around my shoulders and Harry laughed in response.

"She's told me all about you, I'm Harry by the way." His voice quickened after realizing he didn't technically introduce himself.

"Oh please, I know who you are. I've just gotta get used to the fact that your friends with my best friend now." She started moving her elbow into my side.

"As long she lets me stick around yeah?" Now Harry was the one who reached his arm out to teasingly touch my arm.

"I wouldn't worry about that, I mean as soon as she came into the office she couldn't stop talking about how you guys kissed and—" I widened my eyes, forcefully nudging my arm into hers and giving her a death glare.

"Laura, remember how you had to get to Hunter's, I'm sure he's waiting." She couldn't hide the snickering she was doing and I only squinted my eyes at her more.

"Right, well I'll let you know how that goes. It was nice meeting you Harry." She flashed him another grin before waving her hand and walking away to wherever her car was parked. As soon as I turned back to look at Harry, I saw he had a similar smirk to the one Laura had.

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