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Joselyn Myers

Monday's are stressful no matter what, but today was a different type of stress. My boss had me doing double the amount of work again since I was no longer restricted to only working on the computer. I had been filing papers and organizing hard copy photographs and articles, which was helpful in designing the layout for the actual magazines rather than the online versions, all day and my brain felt numb from looking at different colored papers for the past two hours.

"Joselyn, three new emails!" I heard Blair yell from her desk in front of my own since I was standing in front of the vending machine around the corner to get a drink. I'm pretty sure I zoned out and had been staring through the glass for the past few minutes.

"Right, thank you Blair." I raised my voice enough for her to hear before grabbing the energy drink I had paid for from the opening at the bottom of the machine.

"Do you need anything else Ms. Myers?" Blair stood up behind my desk once I was seated back in my rolling chair, and I held my hand against my chest to hide the fact that she scared the shit out of me.

"No, that'll be all Blair." I waved her off and she simply nodded her head before walking back to her own desk. I let out a breath of air and opened the top of my drink to take a quick sip of it before opening up my new emails.

Once I felt more refreshed and focused, I put my drink down and moved my mouse to open up my email browser on the computer. I had many unopened emails, most of them being from different sources with a potential story for this week's issue. I scrolled through them slowly, now seeing the new ones that Blair was referring to at the very top, and after reading over the first one briefly, I noticed it was a source we commonly got stories from, so I'm sure I wouldn't have to look through them in too much depth because I know they're reliable. The titles were certainly attention grabbing as well.

Vanessa Hudgens donates large sum to Animal Shelter in Alaska to help save the polar bears.
Chris Hemsworth confirms new Marvel movies are set to start filming next summer.

That's when I finally read the title of the third email, and I felt my heart stop immediately as the words registered through my brain.

Harry Styles spotted leaving hospital and bike riding at the Hollywood sign with mystery girl.

Oh my god...I clicked on the email without a second thought, now disregarding the other two articles completely. The first thing I see is the bullet points listed from the editors for what they thought would be the best main points for an entire article about the subject, and again I was stunned at what it said.

-Styles and the girl arrived at Green Grove Medical Center early in the day on Saturday November 9th, the girl was wearing an ace bandage on her right hand when they left
-Seen engaging in a close conversation in the parking lot next to Styles' white Mercedes-Benz
-Close hugging, hand holding
-Left the hospital to head to a bike rental place in Western Hollywood near Hollywood sign trails
-Seen riding the trails together and stopping once at the sign
-Took photos of each other and together, holding hands again, very close contact
-All amid rumors of Styles coming out with a possible new song/album (see tweet attachment)

I opened the tweet that was attached and it was the the one that Harry tweeted about Watermelon Sugar. Of course that would've sparked a new song rumor, but I don't think he cared too much about that or else he wouldn't have tweeted it.

Some part of me wanted to scream, the other part wanted to cry, and then deep down a part of me felt invaded. Knowing that someone was following us around from being at the hospital all the way to the bike trails, made me feel uneasy to say the least.

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