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Joselyn Myers

"You're bringing a boy to Thanksgiving huh? Is he your boyfriend?" I let out a short sigh as I listened to my dad talk over the phone. I figured I would call him while I waited for Laura to pick me up and tell him about Harry coming home with me. So far, he's reacting just as I expected, his father instincts very clearly shining through.

"He is actually." I paused, hearing him hum in response. "His name is Harry and uh, I really like him dad so you know, be nice." I heard him chuckle at my words, and I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my lips as I spoke. I'm still getting used to referring to Harry as my boyfriend, I'm still shocked that he actually is.

"Harry...well I can't wait to meet him. As long as he makes you happy, what else is there for me to say. Thanks for the heads up too, now I can at least plan out my interrogation." I instantly let out a groan, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers.

"Dad please, I'm not a kid anymore, I don't need you to interrogate boys anymore." I sighed, but he just let out a short chuckle. "Seriously, just please don't be all dad-like with him, I don't need you scaring him away."

"Hey, I won't scare anyone away...I just want to get to know him, see if he's a good guy," He paused, changing his playful tone to a more serious one. "I just want to make sure you're treated right Josie." And there it was, his tone definitely was more serious, and I can't help but feel like he's saying it like that because he knows how well my last relationship went.

"He's a good guy dad...I can promise you that." I reassured him, hoping he can hear how serious I was being. "And I'm excited for him to be there, so I trust everyone will give him a nice welcome." I tried to go back to our teasing manner from before, because I didn't want to bring myself down with any bad thoughts. I know my dad is only just messing around and he does just want what's best for me, he would never actually try to be anything but nice to Harry.

"I trust you Jos, I do. I can't wait to meet him." He sincerely spoke, making a smile spread across my face.

"Thanks pops, and by the way, we're not going to get there on Wednesday night. Harry has some prior arrangements so we won't be able to get there until Thursday morning." I quickly told him, glad that I didn't forget about that detail.

"Oh okay, that's fine. As long as you're here for Thanksgiving that's all that matters. You guys are still going to stay here for the weekend though right?" I thought about his words for a second, still not having given much thought to that part of the plan. I didn't exactly ask if Harry would be comfortable staying at my dad's house for the weekend or if he wanted to get a hotel or something.

"Um, we'll be there for the whole weekend yeah, but I don't know if we're gonna stay at the house the whole time or not. I honestly didn't think that far ahead dad." I chuckled at the end of my sentence, hoping he didn't care that I didn't really plan anything yet.

"Alright then, whatever you want to do is fine with me. I'm sure you're extra nervous about everything with Harry coming along." I could hear the teasing in his voice and I could practically picture the smug grin on his face.

"Oh shut up, now you're being extra dad-like so I'm leaving. Laura will be here soon to pick me up anyway." I glanced up at the clock next to my bed, seeing it was almost 10 and I didn't want to be late when she got here. My dad just laughed at my sudden urge to get off the phone and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Alright, I'll see you on Thursday kiddo, love you." His voice got slightly louder as he replied.

"Love you too." With that, I hung up the phone and spread my open arms across my bed, letting out a long sigh of relief. It honestly made me feel slightly less nervous for having Harry come to Thanksgiving with me now that everyone was aware I'd be bringing someone rather than it being a complete surprise.

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