The Widow.

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Background: Y/N age is 24, and his job is being a bartender in a very special club. Y/N also lives in a apartment on the third floor. He also has been very close to his neighbor Nisha who had just lost her husband about a three year ago.

Waking up at 6:00am in the morning.

I did my daily wash up and got ready for work which generally took around 30mins.

"6:30am huh?"

Usually I set off to work at 7:00am.

But seeing that I still had about 30mins left to do whatever I want.

I decided to watch some videos on my phone to pass time.





When my phone vibrated. I checked the time and saw that it was 7:00am. 

Which meant that I had to leave my apartment.

But as I was leaving my apartment and locking the door.

A voice suddenly came from my left side.

"Oh, Y/N!"


Turning to the person who said my name.

I spotted my good neighbor, Nisha. 

"Oh, hey Nisha!"

Nisha nodded her head as if to confirm my greeting. 

After that she started walking towards me.

"Going to work again?" 

"Yea, just the usual."

"Be safe then."


After giving my thanks. I walked to the elevator and got in. 

It only took  around less than thirty second before I finally got off the elevator and left the building.

After that I called a taxi and got him to drive me to my work place.


I paid the taxi man and continue on my way.

It was only about a five minute walk before I finally reached my workplace.

[Poison Red Flower]

Looking up at the signboard that spelled my club's name. I gave a small sigh before entering the club.

Once I got in. The light from the sun soon vanish and was instead replaced by the purple and red lighting. 

"Yo, Y/N!" A voice that I recognize all too well called out to me.

"Yea, boss?" I responded to my boss.

"Make sure to be on your toes today. We got some special visitor tonight and I don't want another employer dying again. "

Damn... was it that time again?

"Thanks for the heads up boss."

I nodded my head and got to my work station.


Guess I need to be extra vigilance today if I want to survive...




Soon night time came around and the customer began to leave.

Once all the customer had left. The noise that once filled the club soon died down to complete silence. 

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now