The humble mob.

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Born in a simple village life. I was content with what I had. If I was asked to give up this life in exchange for the life of an adventurer.

My answer would obviously be no. I would not give up my friends and family for any wealth or fame in this world. As I will always cherish them for all the memories that I had with them.

Or at least that was what I thought, until she appeared.

The person who I was referring to is the current hero of my era. At first I was surprised to see that the hero was a female, since the stories told by my families and friend of the hero would always depicted their gender as a male. 

Anyways, my first encounter with the hero wasn't your typical grand welcoming ceremony. Hell, we didn't even know that the hero was even going to come here in the first place. 

As I accidentally stumbled upon a dead body laying down in the middle of the forest during one of my patrols around the forest near our village. I had expected to find a couple wolfs and even a group of goblins in the worst case scenario. But instead, I found a woman laying face down on the ground.

I rushed over to check on her to see if she was okay, but I soon stopped in my track once I got closer. My blood ran cold at the sight before me. 

"What the actually hell..."

The woman's body was brutally wounded so badly that I could even see the inner organ of the woman. And to top it off, the organs inside the woman's body were still moving...

She was still is she still alive-

*Shakes head*

No, I have to focus on what's important. First, let's apply some basic first aid.

*Takes off cloak. And rips a fabric of clothing*

"Hopefully this helps...." 

I carefully wrap the fabric around the waist of the woman before gently tying it. As of now, I covered the most gruesome looking wound. But there were still more wounds that I still needed to take care of if this woman was going to survive. But that would have to wait until I get back to the village.

"But before that..."

Looking over the woman's body. I noticed that most of her clothes were all torn up, which left many exposed areas that a woman wouldn't really want strangers to see.

Well, not that anyone would with these gruesome wounds....

*Covers the woman's body with a jacket*

"Let's cover you up..."

I honestly don't want to look at those wounds, while I carry her. It still gives me chills whenever I glance at the wounds that this woman had endure.

"Damn, what kind of experience did you go through?" I whisper to myself.

*Picks up the woman's body*

She's so light?! What the hell?!

I gently felt the woman's body and was stunned once again at the new revelations that I found. And that was how skinny and malnourish this woman was...


Just what did this poor woman really go through?

Whatever, I'll find out once she regains consciousness.


Once I arrived at the village. I ran straight to an odd looking house and knocked on it with a worried look on my face.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now