Female Xenomorph X Male Reader Part 1

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Author Note: This image looks closely to what I'm trying to convey, though not completely. Also I don't own the image all the credits goes to Sade and the post by Elvennya. The website is Pinterest and the topic to find this picture is *Xenomorph Related*

Though If I get copy right issue then I'll have to take this picture out. Let's hope that It doesn't happen.


"Are you mister Y/N?"

"Yes? What do you need."

"It's about project Queen and we need your help."

I narrowed my eyes as the man in front of me spoke about project Queen.

"Sorry I can't help you."

I start walking away, while reminiscing about the past events of what happen. It wasn't that I didn't want to help them. The reasons why I didn't want to help them was due to personal issue that was caused by them.

"What if we said that we could help you find Alice?"

My footstep stopped dead in tracks, while my heartbeat began to quicken.

"It's impossible she's gone for good."

At my response the man just smirk as if taunting me.

"She's still alive, though just barely."

I turned around and faced the man. But this time I had an angry expression on my face.

"What do you mean she's alive?"

"As I said again. She's still alive though her genes had fused with the xenomorph. I guess you can call her dead. If you only truly love the human side of Alice."


No, even if she change I would still love her regardless. If there's a chance that she could still be alive then I'll take it. Alice forgive me for not being strong enough, but now I will redeem myself for not being able to save you back then.

"Fine, I'll help you take me to your base."

"Follow me."

The man took me to their base and led me to the underground facility. He then took me to the testing chambers where they had capture one of the queen's egg. I sadly looked at the egg that Alice had enter. In order to escape the fate of being eaten alive by the xenomorph. She choose to hid in one of the eggs. But in doing so, she was trapped within and had fused with the xenomorph egg.

"How long will take for it to hatch?"

"In a week from now."


Timeskip 1 week later....

"Everyone get ready it's hatching in 30 second!"

The thing inside the egg was pulsing and began to release steam. The tension in the room began to increase as the countdown began to approach zero.


As soon as the timer hit zero the egg opened up and the goo inside the egg began to spill out onto the floor. It was dark purple goo that oozed out of the egg which had a strange smell to it. But, I wasn't paying attention to that at all, instead I looked at the creature which had come out into the world of living.


What laid in the testing chamber was a humanoid xenomorph. It had a face that looked similar to Alice and a body of a human female while instead of normal human hands it had claws. The lower body of the humanoid had claws for it's feet too.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now