The minor hero run away

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"Hello, my name is Y/N. I am the hero of the goddess Luna. As some of you may already know. She is the goddess of the night that watches over us when we sleep. When she is there, no harm will ever come to us. Please, join me in my quest to spread the love and joy of the motherly goddess Luna. Thank you."

After my short speech about the greatness of the goddess who I currently served under. I walked away from the crowd of people and headed to my next point of destination. Which was of course the sacred ruins that lies within the forest.

But as I got closer to my destination. My hands began to sweat, and so did my body. The reason to this was because of my decision that I was going to make when meeting the goddess Luna. When I noticed this, I shook off the shaky feeling and continued onward.

I know that my action to some people may seem strange. But I assure you. I have a perfectly good reason as why I am the way as of now when meeting the goddess Luna.

This is because I was planning on quitting my position as the hero. If you didn't already know. My position is to listen to the goddess every needs, while also trying to find ways to make her gain more followers. Which I had done with all my hearts for all these years.

But now, it was time to pass my position onto someone more worthy and youthful. I had already dedicated half of my life to her, and now. My only wish is to simply travel the world that I have never got to explored.

"Welcome home Y/N."

By the time I knew it. I was already at the sacred ruin, and standing several feet in front of me was Luna. It also surprises me how I'm always so entranced by her beauty. She isn't as seductive as a succubus nor as innocent as a nun. Instead, she seems to have an aura of motherly love.

"I'm back Luna."

Luna smiled at my words, and soon beckoned me over to where she stood. If it was in the past, I would have already walked over to where she stood with no hesitation. 


"Luna. There is something you need to know."

As I spoke. My body began to tense up. But, before I could release anymore word. Luna interrupted.

"You can tell me after you rest on my lap."

I wasn't sure if she was using any magic, but I sure as hell felt tempted to do exactly what she said.



Her face began to frown as if in disbelief. Though, it was only for a split second I saw that she was quite surprise.

"Then do tell me. What is the matter my dear?"

"Luna I..."


huh? how come Luna's face seem fluster? No, surely it may have just been my imagination.

"I'm resigning my position as your hero."


Silence soon fell over the sacred ruin, and before long I uttered my sentence.

"I came here to say goodbye, and to present you your new candidate of the next hero."

"I see..."

Is it just me? But why does her words seem much colder than usual? Usually she would be excited to know new information whenever I come by.

"The new hero will be called Gill. I assure you. He is a capable hero and will achieve more than I will in this life. Thus I deem that he is more fit to be a hero."

After speaking out my reason. I waited for her response.

"When will he be coming?"


"That soon?"


"My dear. Why are you leaving me behind?"

As we both exchanged words. The air seemed to get colder. The only conclusion to this would be that a god is angry. But, why would Luna be angry?

"It is because I wish to go out and travel the world."

"If that is the case. Then why resign. I believe that you are the most capable hero for me. Plus, with my blessing on you. You will never face any hardship, since I am now one of the twelve overlord goddess. Not only that I will even allow you to go explore as much as you want."

"Luna, if honestly speaking. I just want to find a place where I can settle down and live in peace. I don't wish to be involved in political affairs anymore. Also, I want to find the woman who I will marry and make a family."

"Y/N. Why do you think I haven't married anyone yet?"

How come she was asking me this? How am I suppose to know?

"That is because you have not found the right person right."

"I have."

Good for you. But what does it have to do with me?

"I bet he must be very blessed and lucky to have caught your eyes."

"Indeed. He is always nearby. When I am sad or happy. He is always there for me. In fact, he was always by my side before I even become one of the twelve overlord."

Was there someone like that? I don't remember anyone else staying with Luna for as long as I did.

Oh well. Not my issue to dig in.

"Then he must be very dense to not notice your affection for him."

As the words flew out my mouth. Luna's eyes began to stare me down even more.

"Yes. Indeed. He. Must. Be. Very. Dense."

Though I wasn't really sure who Luna was pointing to. All I know was that Today was the last day and that I should entertain her. After all. I was her appointed hero, since the beginning of her journey.

Oh yea. That reminds me. Due to her blessing I was able to live for quite a long time. I think I'm about XXXXX year old now. But I still look like a young adult.

Anyways. Let's wrap this up. I have to head out soon, since it's getting dark.

"I'm sorry Luna. But I have to go now."

"Then before you go. May I call you Hubby?"

Uh. What?

"Um. Sure?"

"Then call me Ophina. That is my true name."

For some reason I was having this bad vibe from Luna as if she was planning something. But surely that must just be my imagination right?

"Ah. Well then. Good bye Ophina."

After saying that I headed back the way where I came from. I didn't really give it much thought, since I wouldn't be in this capital anymore.

(Ophina)"We're meet very soon hubby. Your not leaving me behind. We're always be together. After all you did just propose to me."


Author Note: Should I make a part two? Or should I just keep it as a one shot. I'll let you guys decide.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now