The Crests Holder (Part 3)

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The time of my revenge was finally here. How long have I waited for this? How long have I dreamed of making those two suffer.

"Sila. Pack your things. We're going to visit an old friend of mine."

"Yes, master."

Sila was the slave that I had bought two months ago. My reasoning for buying her was simply so she could become my crests in order to make me stronger than I am now. But if that doesn't work. Then I'll simply just make her my Sword Maid.

Anyways, Sila and I made our way to the inner circle of the capital where the wedding would be held. There, the wedding between the so called hero and his crests would get married. But I wasn't going to let that happen. 

"I'll make you two suffer the same pain I felt that day..."

As we found our seat, which was conveniently first row Sila and I sat down as I began to explain the plan.

"Sila. Your job is to keep the other reinforcement from interfering with my fight with the hero and his crests. Even if you have to injurie yourself while in the process of doing so."

"Yes, master."

"But don't die. I still need you after all this is over."


"I assume your silence means yes."

Now, everything was set in stone. The only thing that could stop me is if another unknown event occur. But even then. I'll at least take someone down with me.

Some hours later

Hours pass with nothing happening. But that didn't mean I would drop my guard. After all I been waiting for this moments for months now. Then it finally happened...

"Ladies and gentlemen. There seems to be an assassin among us."


What?! How did they find out? I was sure that I didn't do anything too out of the ordinary. But if it isn't me. Then who is it? At that moment I suddenly felt someone placing their hand over mine. Which startled me as I thought that I had been caught. But when looking over to see who was placed their hand on mine. I saw that it was Sila. 

"Explain yourself."

"You seemed...nervous..."



Me? Nervous?

*Slaps away Sila's hand*

"And what exactly gave you that idea? Me? Nervous? Hah!"

As I stood my ground and told Sila those words. I knew deep down that those words were also meant for me....

"EVERYONE! Please calm down. The Holy Crests of the Hero is now within the room."

Are they talking about Sophia?

The noise soon died down, and all that was left was the sound of clacking on the ground. As the noise grew louder. I found myself filled with anxiety. Was it from stress? Or was it from expectation.

*Click! Click! Click!"

"S-sorry I'm here!"

No doubt. That voice definitely belonged to Sophia...

"Everyone. Please calm down. I will explain what happ-!!!"

Sophia's eyes that slowly scanned the room soon locked onto mine. I could tell from her eyes that she seemed happy to see me here. But the same couldn't be said for me as all I held within my eyes for her was rage, and bloodlust.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now