female high vampire X Male reader (Kind of Lemon be warn) Part 1

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My name is Y/N I'm just a normal monster tamer. Not a lot people like this class as they rather prefer to hunt monster, and sell their corpses for gold. Now don't get me wrong I don't dislike the fact that they hunt monster to get gold.

But the only thing that bugs me is the fact that they are willing to kill intelligent creature that are capable of thinking. I mean can't we coexist with those that have intelligent as I'm sure that we can teach them what is right and wrong.

Right now I'm in the forest of blood. Why I was in the forest you may ask? Well I was collecting some blood leeches, which are a good source of income as they are constantly being used to suck out any poison or impurity within the body of anything and even metals . But the only downside is the fact that they were in a very dangerous location where many blood sucking monster had made their home. Which was also one of the reason why the price for it went up.

The only reasons why I was able to come here was thanks to my fairy. They were extremely effective against monster in the blood forest as the monster didn't have any form of intelligent. I even heard from fairy tale that people who have a fairy following them often find themselves saving a beautiful damsel in distress.

But, surely that was all just stories to make people to go capture the fairies right? .

Hmm how come I feel like I'm touching something very soft and squishy. But it doesn't feel slimy at all instead it felt wet and hot?

"Are you done molesting me human?" (???)

"W-WAHHH!! I'm so sorry!" (Y/N)

I quickly moved away from the strange lady and only bowed to apologize for the action that I have committed.

"If your done molesting me human, then I suggest you just kill me! I will never give up my pride as a high vampire to beg at your mercy to just survive!"

Now that I looked at her more clearly. I do see that her hair color is silvery white extending down to her butt. Not only that I noticed that her dress did seem a awful lot like a noble. I guess she was really a high vampire considering the fact that she had her fang extending out towards me as if to intimidate me. Let's slap her face a bit.


"How dare you slap me! Do yo-" (???)


"If your done talking. Then I won't slap you." (Y/N)

"Ha! Human you think I'll listen to your tri-" (???)


"STOP IT!" (???)

" As I said before if your done talking then I won't slap you anymore." (Y/N)

"....filthy...human..." (???)

I raised up my hand once more in order to send her the message that if she doesn't stop talking then I will slap her again.

"...." (???)

"Good now that your quiet. We can finally talk."


The high vampire had a shock expression on her face as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing at all. I guess all the human that she met so far only wanted to kill her huh. How far can the human race fall? They even call themselves wise and kind and yet here they are killing everything in sight.

"Yes, I only want to tal-"

I suddenly heard some footstep coming our ways, and when I looked back I saw that the vampire behind was shivering in fear. I guess they were the hunter sent to kill her huh? Well I guess if I didn't help her then I would basically be going back on my word and principle of intelligent creature coexisting with human.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now