The Offering? (Prologue)

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I began playing this game called "The Romance Dungeon Adventure".

And yes, I do know that the name of the game seems a little odd.

But hear me out.

It's almost exactly like what the game indicates.

What you do in the game is that you enter dungeons in a specific region and defeat monsters which will then drop items to which you can then offer them to love interest in the local area.

And depending on the quality and freshness of the item. 

It can either impress the love interest or down right anger them.

Although that wasn't really the main aspect that interested in the players including myself.

No, instead it was the almost life-like Ai that can respond to any actions that the players do.

For an example, let's say that there's a perverted player forcing themselves onto a npc. Depending on the status of the NPC. The player can either be put in jail for a month and be stripped of all equipment and gold they have on themselves.

And what's even more surprising is that the player have to literally spend one real month time in jail or send a request message to the company detailing their evil deeds and how they will repent.

And that's not all....

Their request message will be posted on public in the weekly news on the website that the game company works on. Thus exposing the perpetrator and their evil deeds alongside their in game character's face, name, and even the ID nickname.

So yea, unless you wanna get exposed and shamed on by the public. It's best to play by the game's rule and  slowly build up the relationship meter before committing any devious act.

Which brings me to my current playthrough of the game. 

Although I was kind of late to the game.

It wasn't really that bad since there was already some tutorial guide that were posted online to help out newbies such as myself.

This included the preset character's trait and what skills to get and to avoid.

Not only that, they also posted a work in progress guide on which love interest to invest in first in order to make the game a little bit easier.

Anyways, I followed the guide on the forums and did as they say in order efficient use my time. 

It's not like I didn't have much time to play the game. No, in fact, I had wwaaayyy too much time to waste.

Which was why I even dared to pick up the game in the first place.

But enough beating around the bush.

It's about time that I tell you my gameplay of "The Romance Dungeon Adventure".




I created my character and selected the default option for the character's looks as I wasn't too much of making my character look handsome, cute, or cool.

Which was why I went for the default option that the game had. 

And surprisingly enough, I found out that if the user choose the default option. 

The game would automatically change the player character to match their real life appearance.

Although strange that they would add a function like this. It was nevertheless intriguing.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now