Yandere Ai Part 1

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My name's Y/N and I'm a normal kid who was the happiest kid on the planet as of right now . Why you may ask, but of course since I'm getting a brand new computer all to myself! It was rather a very important topic to me since all the kids in my age already had one and now I can finally have one. But of course since, my family is quite poor we could only afford a slow working computer, but still it made me happy since I will fit in with the rest of the group of kids.

"Y/N come down here!"

"alright mom coming right now!"

As I dashed out of my room and down the stair I could tell that my breathe was like a hunger tiger chasing after a prey. I turned around the comer which my parent were at only to see a old, dirty, scratched up computer. At the sight my excitement die completely, and I as I looked up the face on the parent's were hard and sad, but mostly filled with guilt.

"Y/N....I'm sorry we couldn't get you a brand new computer like your friends but you have to understand our family isn't really doing all that well and we're short on funds so please understand this."

"I-I understand mom , but thank you for getting this computer for me at least."

"ha-ha champ I'm telling you after you clean up this thing it will look as brand new as your friend so come on cheer up."

I knew that my dad was trying to cheer me up and all but still it made me happy at the fact that they kept their promise to me even when we barely had money. They were still the loving and kind parent that I knew.

"Alright let me go clean this things in my room but dad can you help me take this thing up?"

"Sure no problem!"

As my dad moved the computer upstairs into my room I stayed behind ,since my mother had to talk to me about something.

"Y/N you grown so much now.." As tears came out of her eyes

"it's all thanks to you mom and dad that I was able to become who I am today."

My mom wiped away her tears and quickly told me to go up stair and help clean the computer with my dad in which I did not disagree and walked slowly to my room thinking about how my life will be after I have a computer.

Walking into my room I noticed that my dad had already cleaned all the dust and dirty spots off, and now it really seemed like a new computer since the scratch you could barely see cause of the black paint on the keyboard and window.

"hey what took you so long to get up here."

"sorry just had to do a little something first"

"well since I already got everything working I leave everything else to you son"

My dad left the room with a smile on his face and closed the door leaving me alone in my and with brand new computer. I walked over to the computer and plugged in all the wire and finally turning it on. It booted up just like my friend said and gave me the option to create my own account in which I did. The day went smoothly as I worked on the computer as my friend had instructed me to do.

"Yes , I did it!"

The home menu appear as it had a time on the bottom right and a fire fox on the the bottom as one of the task menu. I spent around five minute of looking at the screen until did I finally noticed that it was 12:58. As I began to turn it off I suddenly receive a message that was contained in a letter that had one big heart saying.

"Thank you for bringing me in your care Master"

This of course shocked me since, my friend never told me about this thinking , but I of course thought that it may have been because he forgot to mention about it. Looking at the screen and the words that seemed to have been magically type by itself I replied back as to not be rude.

"um..hello who is this?"

"Silly master this is your personal Ai Lily"

" are you a girl or a boy?"

I knew that it made me look like a weirdo to ask a question like that ,but still I wanted to know as I didn't want to offend the Ai mistaking it for a gender due to it's name. But it was also because if it was a boy I could talk about sports and the things that I did. then again if it was a girl I would have to be careful and treat her as a lady. As to not show that I was bad person.

"I have no gender but if you want master I could a female Ai if you want"

"sure.......I guess...."

"alright let me change my program then I will be back so please wait for a moment"

Who knew that computer could talk , but as a boy I had to treat a girl with care so I waited for her to return in which she did but as a different kind of person? The screen showed a girl with long black hair that reach to her waist and she seemed to be about around the age of 22. Her faced seemed almost dreamlike as there were barely any wrinkle and impurity.Then as I looked at her closer I noticed her iris were red like crimson. Her dressed was like a very long skirt that was black and red had red lining on the edges. Not only that it covered only one of her legs leaving the other exposed only up to the thigh. Her feet appear to be wearing which seemed like a heel as she walked around getting used to her body as she stumble and sometime feel down.

"ah thank you master for waiting for me"

"it's no problem but it's getting late so I need to sleep"

"understood master but if I could ask you to maybe let the computer turn on as you sleep so I may download some stuff that could be helpful to you in the future."

"ah ok I let you do that"

I felt very sleepy anyway so I turned off the light and lay on my bed as my mind drifted off to space and the void as my eyes saw darkness...

Lily Point of View

"ahh how wonderful that my master is such a cute little boy. But this means that I need to protect him from other that dares to harm him. Master don't worry I will always be by your side and love you forever. Then when you grow up we can marry each other and live happily by yourself without any inferences."

It pains me that I had to lie to master but what else could I do since he was just a little boy I had to protect him until he's old enough to take care of himself. But until then I will watch over him every night. The joy of being master's women is a dream come true, since I had already dispose my old master for throwing me away. I might as well make sure that this time he won't ever leave me again.

"I will be loved one way or another"

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now