Unrequited Love (Final)

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As the light faded away from the record crystal. The expression on Alisha's face was full of shock and disbelief. In all of her life. She always believed that Mist was always too possessive of her. But what she didn't know was that Mist always had a reason for his action.

"Why didn't Mist tell her anything? And why wait for her to confuse Mist's effort for the hero?"

Was what Alisha wanted to Mist. But she already knew the answer to that. Mist did try tell her about it.

She just never listened....

Or rather....she never listen to Mist...

Everything that Mist said to her in the past was all regarded as him throwing a tantrum. She knew that Mist liked her. But she had already given her love to the hero. Which was why she found Mist annoying that he kept trying to win her back.

This only severed to further annoyed Alisha as she didn't want the hero to get the wrong idea that she was two time. It was because of that sole reason that she finally cut all ties with Mist when he tried to take the credit of the hero who saved her.

From that point on. Alisha stopped interacting with Mist completely and even avoided him while all the while giving him the look of disgust. This continued on for a few more months before the hero's party finally defeated the demon lord.

The journey had ended. Any feelings that Alisha had for Mist vanished. Mist was simply no more than a stranger to Alisha now and she noticed that Mist obviously knew this too. Her view of Mist through that  entire journey of defeating of the demon lord of no more than that of annoyance that kept her from her true happiness with the hero.

But what she didn't know was that with every little action that Mist did was solely for her protection.

Yes, he wasn't perfect to the point where she was completely out of danger. But he tried his best to do what he could even if he knew that she would never acknowledge his effort.

In truth, if Alisha was to consider who truly loved her...it was obviously....Mist-

What about the hero? Didn't he also care for you? (Internal conflict?)

That's true...but, Mist was the one who did all those things to protect. Not the hero-

Why do you still care about that loser?! We should just love the hero whole hearted! Don't you want to return to his warm embrace and forget this painful experience? (Internal conflict?)

Your right....but what about Mist? Haven't we wronged him more than enough?

It's already too late! You know that already! Mist hates us! He loathes us! You should know best! (Internal confl!#$?)

Even so! I still need to see him and right our wrongs!

You already have a child with the hero! You think Mist will still like us?! Your no longer pure! ($^$#%#^)

That may be true...but...I think I can still make it work...

Just forget about him already! He no longer wants us! Just shut up!(?????)

No! You shut up! Don't think you can make me follow your will anymore! 

...... (?????)

It was because of you wasn't it....You were the reason this all started....


I understand now. Your not my thoughts or even remotely a part of me.

Seems like you know already don't you? (??????)

You were the reasons why my feelings that I had for Mist took a complete 180. Isn't that right?

Well, I suppose I don't have to keep up this farce any longer. (?????)

Who are you?! 

I'm what you people consider a Goddess. Though I'm more of a will than an actual complete being... (Goddess will)

Then tell me why did you do this....

Do what? (Goddess will)

You destroyed my future with Mist!

I have my reasons. Plus, Mist and I have a history with each other...(Goddess will)

History? What history?!

Let's just say that Mist is the reincarnated lover that I lost.... (Goddess will)

The voice of the goddess grew low when it mentioned Mist as if something had happened between them in the past. But even so, Mist was the person who I truly loved. It was only because of this bitch that I became this way and treated Mist so horrible.

Anyways, I'll be leaving your body now. I done my part and Mist now hates you. Good luck with that child of yours between the hero and you. (Goddess will)

After the last exchanged between the two. Alisha's body suddenly felt lighter as if a weight had been lifted of her shoulder. Not only that, she also noticed that her emotion towards the hero was now a complete 180 from love to disgust, while mist was now her object of affection.

The only problem was that she was no longer pure. Her body had been tainted by the hero and was already used. 

With complete irritation and disgust in her heart. Alisha clawed at her body while resenting the goddess who had placed her in this situation...

"If I'm going to get Mist back...I need a new body. He won't like this tainted body of mine...Yes...I'll just create the perfect body that will only make Mist focus on me."

I'll be his perfect doll/friend/family/lover/wife. I'll be his everything so he can forgive me. But the only problem is that this body of mine is already the best there is-

Wait...there was one more...

Alisha thought raced to the child that came from her and the hero....

"Of course...why didn't I think of that?! I'll just raise her up perfectly and switch body with her! Now, I just need to make a new spell that would allow this...Not only that. I need to become strong enough to fight her on even grounds..."

With that in mind. Alisha was now determined to raised her *vessel* and create a spell powerful enough that even the goddess will fear. All she needed now was time....

"Don't worry Mist. I'll make sure that your safe from the grasp of that bitch..." (Grins)


Author Note: This took a while to make since I kind of forgot about this small project of mine. But yea, this marks the end of Unrequited Love. I might make a sequel later on if I feel like it.

Other than that, have a nice day!

Your truly,


Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now