Yandere Ai Part 2

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It's been days now ever since I got my new computer and also a new friend. Her name was lily but she was only just made of data within a computer so I couldn't really call her my real friend. But still never the less it made me happy that every morning lily would be there to wake me up and tell the time of my meeting with my buddy. But sometimes she would burst out in anger by spam messages saying "talk to me talk to me talk to me" over and over. This of course made me angry and made a deal with her that I will spend at least 3 hours with her in my room each day, and to which she agreed. Then on a Sunday morning I decided to take the long way thinking that I felt like something had been following me for past few days. I walked to the park that was about one block away from my house and sat on a random seat that had tree covering the sun rays. I stayed there closing my eyes as to enjoy the nature , since I barely did this anymore ever since my I left my old town and moved here due to our financial money of not able to sustain the bill. I suppose I should go now before lily gets to mad at me for being late.

"Lily I'm home!"

"Master what took you so long, since I had estimated that it would take you at least ten minutes to get here but instead it took you twenty minutes!"

"Sorry I got side tracked enjoying nature"

"So are you saying you don't need me anymore?"

Lily seemed to spoke with a sassy tone whenever she thought that she was always the extra person who I didn't need. But this also carried with a little bit of evil intentions as if I felt like she would do something.

"Ah no of course not lily is always my number one but can't I have some time to myself too?"

"Hmph fine have it your way I'm not going to talk to you ever again."

Ohh boy this again I guess I better cheer her up since she can get quite annoying later on if I don't talk to her and cheer her up.

"Alright alright lily I'm sorry I came home late can you forgive me?"

"Okay since your sorry master I will make this an exception just for today!"

Y/N's Mind:" JackPot! Works every time"

"Oh and if your thinking that your out of trouble think again mister."

"Ohh course not"

Y/N's Mind: "shoot I forgot this her time so she can do whatever she want due to our deal....."

After spending two hours in my room of constant fear of lily punishment I walked downstairs and ate food before going to sleep.

Lily's point of View:

Oh master why did you lie to me? I can tell and smell the scent of other woman on you .......again


I aM HiS OnLY ThInG That he eVer nEeds aNd nO One eLse!

I WiLl Kill All thOse wHore who daRe to toUch wHat is My!

And then I will punish master so full of love that he won't even dare think ever leaving again!

Y/N Point Of View:

It seems that now lily has become too dangerous and maybe I should do something about this....

I noticed her attitude was weird whenever I spoke about another girl. She would freak out in anger and scream at me to never talk her again. Then I also heard that the girl I had interacted with disappeared without a trance, and I think that lily is a part what is going on. But I just wasn't sure till today after what I heard.....

Next morning:

Lily is asleep and I turned off the monitor so she won't know what's going on or least I don't think she should be able to. I walked out of my room and downstairs carrying my PC moniter and motherboard in which lily was living in. I had to be quick and fast before she wakes up and notice something is off. I went to the junkyard area that was about one mile away from my house and dumped her onto one of the pile of trashes that was being delivered to be sent to recycle today. I thought that after I left her there it would be over so I began to turn around and walking out of the junkyard.

"m-m-m-mas-ter w-hy a-reyo-u lea-vi-ng m-me aga-in?

I stood still and shocked....and began to turn my head around....no this can't be how can she be turned on after I plugged her off...

Her face on the monitor was half gone and her body had holes in them that seemed like wounds and within those wounds were data like number spurting out like it was blood.

"W-wh-y m-as-ter I thou-ght we thi-s wa-s go-ing to be the o-ne whe-re I wou-ldn't b-e l-eft alo-ne ag-ain..."

"How...no....I must never interact with you again since you will only hurt the people I love!"

"Nononono I AM THe One YoU SHoULD OnLy LOve No oNE ElSe!"

"I refuse to be alone I don't want be alone I don't want be alone please I"m sorry master I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry eSe take back I love I truly love you. Pleas........... don't leave me alone ag-"

"Good bye lily this truly good bye......I wish things could have been different and another way....."

Arc 1 Ai lily Complete?

Author note: Sorry guys I haven't been updating I was super busy fixing and building a house with my brother.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now