Tifa X Male Reader

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Within our humble village named Nibelheim. There were a decent amount of folks and many families were happy. Including the children as well. 

Aside from the few exceptional child that wanted to do something more, such as Cloud, Zack, and myself. 

Zack was the first to go as he was the older than me and Cloud during that time and left to join SOLDIER. During the time when Zack was gone Cloud, Tifa, and me trained together in order to have a better chances of joining SOLDIER.

But Tifa didn't seem all that invested in training and simply seem like she only wanted to hang out with us. Which I didn't blame her as there weren't many kids within her age gap who could play with her other than Cloud and me.

Then came the time when one of us had to go, which was Cloud as he was older than me by a few month. At that time when he was old enough to join SOLDIER I didn't think separation was going to hurt this badly as I waved him goodbye, as his small figure in the distance disappear.

Now it was only me and Tifa who were still left behind in the humble village of Nibelheim. This of course didn't discourage and instead made me work even harder as I knew that my time of when I was going to join SOLDIER weren't that far off.

It was that point when Cloud left, was when thing truly began fall apart of our friendship between Cloud, Tifa and I.

Over the course of the few weeks when the effects of my workout began to show on my body, such my developing abs and arms. I began to occasionally catch of glance at Tifa who would stare long and hard at me for a good few seconds, which later turned to minutes. 

At first I didn't mind as I thought that she was still reminiscing about the past when Cloud, Tifa, and I would always train together. But now it was just us two and just that thought brought grief to her, or at least that was what I initially thought until recently when I noticed that Tifa began to wear some revealing clothes that you wouldn't usually see a backwater girl would wear. 

Her excuse was that it was too hot whenever she trained. I of course who was the dense idiot accepted it and went on training like usually not noticing anything off about Tifa.

Not only that she would come up to me and wipe my sweat away that would appear on my face. But, even the innocent act of wiping away sweat began to turned into something strange as she began to wipe my body and I also noticed occasionally were her hands. It was like instead of wiping she was more like feeling me up...

"H-Hey...uh...T-Tifa I think I'm all clean now? Don't you think so?"

"Eh? Oh okay."

Whenever I finally start talking she would snap out of her trance which gave a sense of relief. But after that little incident she began to bring a lunch box just for us two, which made it seem like we were a couple.

"Tifa you didn't need to bring lunch for me. I could always go to my house and grab some lat-"



"I said no. If your going to eat then your going to eat my cooking if your hungry."

"But wouldn't that be a bothe-"

"I said your going to eat my cooking."

At her Tone I just shut up and only nodded my head. After that Tifa would always be seen walking around with a box of lunches and everybody in the village knew who it was as Tifa was seen only spending time with me.

One time when I was walking past a couple of my neighbor with Tifa right beside me an elderly old woman spotted us two and began to strike up a conversation.

"Oh my. You two seem like newly weds couple."

"Please don't jok-"

Before I could say anything Tifa intervine.

"I"m glad you see us that way. As we been thinking about getting marry soon."

"WHAT!? WH-"

Tifa pulled me away with a smile, while of course rubbing her chest against my arm the whole way to her house. All the people who saw us only smile and gave us their blessing.

When we got to my house I shook my arm out of Tifa grasp and only spoke to her in a serious tone.

"Tifa stop messing around! I don't want people to be getting the wrong idea about us. We're just friends!"

"I see..."

Her head only tilted down like a child who was scolded by their parents. Which made me feel like I was the bad guy here.

"Don't worry Y/N! It was just a joke don't take so seriously."

This time her face changed to that of her usual smile, which caught me off guard as I could only nod my head with my a confuse smile plastered onto my face.

*Few Months later*

Finally after months of waiting it was my turn to leave. Everyone cheered for me as I went to pack my things for the long journey ahead of me. But when opening my door for the last time to leave...

Tifa was dressed like a usual girl would and stepped inside my house pushing me back into my home before closing my door behind her. She then began to unzip her clothes in front me leaving only her bra and panties on.

" Y/N please...don't leave..."


Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now