The Burnt Beauty (Part 2)

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What do people think about when hearing the word 'The Slum".

Poverty, Thieves, Gangster, Violence?

Although these words don't do justice for the environment within the slum. It does provide an idea of the living condition there.

A life of constant death was what awaited those living in the slum.

Even the most powerful people living in the slum, were nothing more than watch dogs to serve those higher than them.

As for the powerless that lived in the slum. We were nothing more than cattle waiting to be slaughter.

Life was truly hell living in that 'place'.

Thankfully, I was lucky enough to be chosen and taken care of by a wandering director of a remote orphanage.

I wasn't exactly sure what he saw in me that made him want to take me. But I wasn't going to complain.

Anywhere was better than being in the slum...


As I rode in this strange wooden object that named 'carriage'. The director told me that we were going to pick up another child.

I nodded my head to which the director smiled before we were on our way towards our destination.

Arriving at our destination, I found that we were parked outside of a huge mansion.

As my mouth was still agape at the sight in front of me. The director got off the carriage and went to greet the beautiful woman.

Both the director and the beautiful woman talked for a bit before the woman made a motioning gesture towards the mansion, to which the director nodded before entering.

Seconds pasted which soon turned into minutes that soon become hours.

I sat in the carriage waiting and waiting.

'Was I abandon again?' I thought to myself.

But not long after those thoughts pasted. I saw the director coming out followed by a clean looking boy with blonde hair.

'Is that the kid we were picking up?" I wondered.

Although not long after, a voiced which belong to that of a young girl came running out.

the blonde hair boy froze in place as he heard the voice before turning around.

The scene before me was quite strange as the young girl which had long brunet hair that reached her shoulder jumped to embrace the blonde hair boy all the while crying.

'Why is she crying?' I pondered.

The two child hugged each other as tears flowed from both of them as they seem to say something to each other.

But seeing how I was quite a distance from them, I never caught wind of anything they said aside from mumbles and sobs.

Anyways, after a few minutes. The two separated before the blonde hair boy nodded to the director as they approached the wooden carriage.

And funny enough, the brunet hair girl was kneeling on the ground while shedding tears for some reason.

I never really understood the reason why nor did I care. 

After all, what reasons did I have to interfere nor know about the situation.

Rules 3 of living in the slum, never poke your noise into other people's business. Unless you want to end up dead.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now