The Great Escape (Part 1)

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In a room filled with people was a meeting that would determine the fate of the people stood in that very room.

The only odd part was the gender ratio from which there were 15 people. But out of those 15 people, one of them was a male, while the rest were females.

A strange oddity, but nevertheless no one seem perturbed by this as it had been this had for many years now.

"Now, is everyone here?" The only male in the room spoke calmly.

Once the male began speaking, the room grew quiet as the attention was now on the male individual.

"As you know, Flowing Fate is the name of our merchant group. What started out as a simple merchant group has now become a powerful *mobile* powerhouse. The only reasons why we could be here today is thanks to you Dragon Deities."

A smile appeared on the male's face as he gave a slight bow towards the females in the room.

"Thanks to your mystical abilities to transform from a human to a dragon. We were able to establish countless cities and nations upon your dragon body. For that, I thank you on the behalf of the people currently residing on your dragon body."

"But now that the formality is out of the way. Now comes to the decision in which I have decided."

A slight pause from the male individual as he survey the room spotting countless familiar faces filled with nervousness.

"I have decided to resign from my position as leader and will step down."

After hearing the male individual's answers, countless voices and gasp sounded throughout in the meeting room.

"Why?!" A voice cried out from the crowd of females.

The attention that was once placed on the male individual now directed over to the voice who had demanded answers.

It was a young girl who was still in amidst of her dragon transformation showing mostly human quality features, but with a tad bit of draconic qualities such as horns and sharp teeth.

"Why are you leaving us?! Did we do something wrong?!" The young draconic girl spoke again, but this time demanding an answer.

A wry smile appeared on the Male individual face as he seemed to contemplate the question for a bit before answering with, 

"I believe the time has come for a new leader to step up. I have been in command for over ten-thousand years now. Its about time someone else takes over."

"But everything's been fine so far? Why the sudden need to change?" questioned the young draconic girl.

"I have my reasons." The Male individual responded.

The meeting continued onward like this as countless questions came up asking why the male individual was leaving. But the questions were either answered vaguely or answered with, "I have my reasons".

This continued until the male individual had to forcibly end the meeting or else he would be able to leave or at all.

He knew that the girls and woman in that meeting had no intention of letting him step down. After all, the position he was in which most would call, "leader or commander".

Was in fact a more important position in all the dragon deities heart. After all, the position he was in was namely called, "The Father" by the dragon deities.

In the past, he had come across countless dragon eggs after "slaughtering" an entire clan that was transporting the eggs to be auction.

Originally, he had the intentions of raising an army of dragons to help him accomplish his "goals". But once he had found out that strangely enough, all the eggs were female for some odd reasons. 

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now