Yandere Kitsune X Male Reader

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Back in the old days we used to live with these mystic creature which could took the form of a humanoid being.

One of the rare kind was a kitsune which was a combination of human and fox.

As for why this was so rare...well In order for one to even get this form a fox would have to stay alive for over thousands of years before only managing to get two tails.

In the past the highest and strongest was a nine tail kitsune.

But it was only a legend told by the people to make youngster go out and search for one themselves. But as for me I rather just play around with any ordinary fox, since it's much faster and less time consuming. Which was why I used to play with a fox name Kiko.

I found her in the forest all injure and bruised up. This sure a scary sight to see, since I was only a child back then and didn't know what to do other than run home and had my family help nurse her back to her prime state.

After a couple weeks have gone by she began to get better. Then on the last week where she was finally able to run and walk and find food for herself I cried as she ran off into the forest, and as she ran a wind blew over our house which caused the petal on the cherry blossoms to fall . The fox stopped and stared at me through the falling petals and I also stared back at her. We stood there looking at each other as if we were ment to be together. But as the last of the petals fell she quickly ran back I to the forest never to be seen again.....at least that was what I thought......


(???):Y/N do you remember me?

Y/N: umm...no...I..Don't.....Miss....

At this moment what I was staring at was a naked women who had pale skin with no flaws as her wet silky silver hair reach down onto the ground touching my face. But what I was looking at was her tails...and ear.....This was a Kistune..... But not just any Kistune.....This was a nine tail Kistune!!!!

(???): Hehe silly Y/N I'm Kiko the little fox you rescue now do you remember?

Y/N: T-That can't be you were a little fox back then and how did you even turn into a Kistune, and you even have nine tail!

I slowly backed away from her trying to get away because I have heard legend that a nine tail will only appear for those that it loves and will use all kind of method to entrance their lover into being their husband for life.

I mean I know she beautiful and all but I want to still be able to explore I'm still too young to get married!

But what makes matter worse is that we're in a lake which i would mean that I would be considered a pervert.... Oh noooo!!!! ( JoJo reference and you can search up I'm too lazy to find it XD)

Kiko:"honey if you don't want to get married then I will kill every single one close to you until you say yes....."

Y/N:".....let me ask a question first"

Kiko:" Yes?"

Y/N:"Why me of all people and you should know I'm just a little boy."

Kiko:"Y/N I fell in love with you when you first saved me when I was about to die. Back then I only a 8 tail and only needed one more break through to get to nine tail. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't or at least that was the case until I met you Y/N.." *Kiko blushed as she said the last part quietly.*

Y/N: " Me....How?"

Kiko: " What I needed was love for someone so powerful that I lusted for them, and that you Y/N you made that happen, and because of that I could make it to nine tail. But I knew if this got out then everyone would try to get their hands on me, so I ran off which almost broke my heart in two. But I swear to my heart if we were to make again we would get marry no matter what the cost."

At this moment I pitched it and ran my ass off the ground so fast I swore I could feel the burn on my butt.

This was crazy no way am I going to get married to a yandere Kistune this was sucide if I were to marry her then I rather live as a sex slave than be confined to a Yandere Kistune!

Kiko: "Y/N.....where...are...you...going.....my...dear... husband...

Her voice sent chills down my spine as I ran for my life fearing she would catch me and tie me up forever and never to see the day light again....

Kiko: " Y/N if you keep running I will kill everything that you hold as of right now you wouldn't want that would you hubby?"

As Sprinted for my life I could see a very tiny light ahead of me so I boasted up my speed even faster. But then I heard footsteps much faster than my and it was getting louder...and louder....with Kiko's voice...

"Y/N..... Dearest...Hubby...Stay with me forever...I promise I treat you well....."

I felt my head beginning to feel weak....damn I gotta keep going she trying to control my mind.

I kept up my speed and ran towards the light and only get out finally only see what will haunt me forever...

Kiko was standing there grinning as her nine tail silver tail moved wildly as she ran up to me and caught me in her grasp....

Kiko: " Y/N I'm going to punish you once we we get home and isn't that wonderful since we will be having our wedding the very same day right hubby?"

The End...?

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now