Yandere Female Druid X Male Reader (Lemon Alert) (Be warn)

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A/N if you aren't interested in lemon then you may skip this chapter since it mostly contained all about lemon. You have been warn.

"Hello Y/N are you happy to meet me again?" With a creepy grin on her face

Y/N: " Y-yes of course Linda...."

Linda: " hmm...then do explain, why you left me alone?"

Y/N: A-Ahem...Well you see I needed to eat and you wouldn't let me go at all, and plus I'm a human I need to eat.

Linda: Ohh is that it my love?

Oh no I have bad feeling about this, and her face says it all oh God please no....!

Linda: Then I can just breast feed you with my milk that way you won't get hungry and plus my milk has a special factor which allows a person to live longer!"

My mind went blank as I just stared at her and only process three words "milk", "breastfeed" , and "Living longer".

Y/N: "So your saying if I drink your milk I will live longer and I don't have to eat anymore right?"

Linda: "Yes!"

Y/N:uhh... How...about...n-

At that moment her roots grabbed my leg and dragged me along the ground towards her naked body.

Linda:"Darling let's make some memories while we're still here okay?"

Linda's voice was soothing to hear almost as if she was controlling my mind and I could only say.

Y/N: "Yes, Linda"

Linda and I kissed each other as I raised my hand and groped her soft jiggly fair breast as she moan into my mouth.

Linda: "Mmm...ah..Y/N I can't wait anymore I need your seed within or else I go crazy!"

Y/N: "alright my love here I come!"

I removed my pants slowly as to tease her in which I successfully did.

Linda: "Y/N! Hurry up or else I'LL do it myself!"

Y/N: "Fine fine whatever you say Linda."

I quickly took off my pants seeing how her arms began to twitch, and in fear she may doing something far worse then what I know.

Y/N: "Linda come get down on grounds all four like a dog"

I patted down the green grass right in front of me so Linda would get a clear message of what I meant.

Linda: "Alright Y/N but please hurry up I'm dripping wet just watching you"

Linda ran over to where I was and turn her butt towards my direction and began to position herself on all four like dog getting ready to get impaled. But just then I had an idea if roleplaying like a dog with Linda.

Y/N: Oh Linda would be a dare and bark like a wolf since, that way I would get more excited?"

Linda: "Yes, master woff, woff please stick your hot throbbing penis inside of me and fill me up with your seed!"

Y/N: " Whose the little good puppy now?"

Linda: "Yes, master woff please hurry and impregnate me woff"

Y/N: "Alright ,since you been such a good little puppy I should give you the reward you want right?"

I raised my dick and line right up behind her hot wet cunt ready to to impale this puppy.

Linda: "AhhHhhhh OHhh YEESS "

Her pussy was tight and comfortable while wet as I slide back and forth. I grabbed a hold of her fair  white butt and pulled
against me slamming my dick inside her over and over. She at first tried to hold back her moan , but after a good few minutes she was moaning like good little doggie in heat.

Linda: "Ah..Ah...Ah...nh...Ha..ha."

Her soft pant gave me even more energy to slam into this puppy while she laid her face into the ground.

Y/N: "Whose your alpha now huh puppy"

Linda: "ha..ha..y-you..ahh....Master.."

She tried to turn her head, and what I saw pushed me to my limit. Her exhausted face as she tries to grasp for breathe and her submissive under me.

Y/N: "Linda I'm cumming take my seed and become my bitch!"


I reached for her breast and slammed my penis inside her one more time before releasing my seed inside her

After releasing my seed inside of her I pulled out my dick from her vaginal and as soon as I did that Linda fell flat onto the ground with a happy expression while mumbling some random stuff. But for me I just laid on the cool green grass and looked up into the sky thinking to myself.

Y/N: "This is my life now"

Author Note: This is my first time writing a Lemon since, all the other Fanfiction I read was simply plain and boring I decided to add a little something , but I'm not sure how well it will turn out so yeah good luck trying to understand it I guess.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now