My Childhood Friend Dilemma (Part 1)

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Average, but hardworking is the type of person that I am.

I wasn't born dumb nor was I born disable. Which is why whenever I fail to overcome an obstacle. I can only blame it on myself for not trying hard enough.

Now why am I mentioning this? 

Well, I just so happened to have a beautiful female childhood friend whose talent outshines me in every single field.

Sports, Games, Education, etc.

She was one of the top most prettiest girls in our schools that even the upper classmate would skip classes to just be with her. 

Needlessly to say, she wasn't interested in any of the guys that approached her. In fact, the only guy friend that she really had was me.

And don't jump to conclusion thinking that she likes me.

Cause your dead wrong!

The only reasons why I'm even friends with her in the first place was because my parents and her parents were best friends ever since in high school. 

And because of that, It was expected of both her and me to get along with each other. 

I'm quite sure that she doesn't even like me in the slightest.

But for the sake of appearance in front of our parents.

 We had to act like we were close friends. 

Although thankfully, I no longer have to put up with the appearance of being a close childhood friends once we were in school.

In fact, everyone in school knew that she and I were childhood friend. But because of the fact that we never really talked with other a lot nor did we ever sit in the same table whenever eating.

Everyone just assumed that something happened between her and I that made us slowly drift apart as we grew older...

And they wouldn't be wrong...

I know that this may be weird and all.

But I was terrified of my childhood friend.

So terrified that I don't even want to speak her name or hear as it gives me chills.

Now why would I be afraid of my own childhood friend you may ask?

Especially considering the fact that in most anime where a beautiful childhood friend is a dream come true for anime protagonist.

But in my case, my childhood friend was abnormal.

She wasn't your normal kid. In fact, I dare to say that she may not even be remotely normal to begin with.

How do I know?

Because I myself am not normal to some degree.

I know how to put on a fake smile and persona to fool my surrounding. 

Not only that, I also know how to fit myself into crowds and portray a certain image to the public whenever needed.

But my childhood friend?

She was even more abnormal than me....

The things that she was capable of doing without any hesitation puts even my own abnormal thoughts to shame....

There was a time when she ripped a butterfly's wing to see if it would cry in pain. After which she proceeded to burn it's wing while it was still alive.

And at that time. She was only ten years old...

'Monsters' was the only thought that came to my mind when I saw what happened.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now