A Love Beyond A Lifetime (Part 2)

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The fox woman gazed dazedly at the blue sky as she began to remember a distant memory.

"Rin! One day, let's go explore the world!"

"Hey Rin! how's your day going!"

"Rin, I'll promise to come back. Don't worry."

"No! Rin! Stay with me! Please, stay with me! Don't you dare die on me!!"




Countless memories coursed through the fox woman as tears began to slowly drip down her cheeks.

"Why...why didn't I remember sooner..."

Although the fox woman tried to stifle the sob coming out of her lips. 

It proved to be useless as the emotions of remembering the past was too much to bear.

But then, a realization came over her as she snapped back to reality and began looking for the man.

Through her panic state, her sense of vision was narrowed as it took a few seconds for her before she finally spotted the man.


A panic scream emitted from the fox woman she quickly knelt down beside the man before covering the gapping hole of the man's chest.

Although she tried her best to stop the blood from flowing. 

It proved to be fruitless as the damage was too much.

And plus, didn't she already burst the heart of the man?

The fox woman herself knew that it was a useless attempt. 

But even so, rationality was no longer in the mind of the fox woman.

All she cared about now was trying to mend the damage she had cause and hopeful bring him back.

"h-heart...I-I-I need t-to find his h-heart!"

The fox woman crawled on all fours as she searched desperately for the remaining pieces of the heart she had burst earlier.

Normally, any fox people would hate getting their tail dirty.

To them, the tail of the fox people was a scared place that was only allowed to be touched by the people they cared most about.

After all, the most sensitive spot on their body besides their ears on their head was their tail.

Which was why only a selected few was allowed to touch the tail of the fox people.

It was essentially their pride and joy in life.

There was saying in the fox people's language concerning their tail.

"One's own tail. Is the reflection of their own heart."

The meaning behind the saying itself could pretty much be translated as.

"The state of one's tail reflects their emotions and self-worth. A clean and pristine tail that isn't so easily touched by others is one of high value. But a dirty and easily touched tail is one of low-value and dirty."

Pretty much, this meant that all fox people strive to keep their tail clean and did not allow their tail to be touched so easily.

Which was why, the current state of the fox woman who was on all fours searching for pieces of the burst heart was already mind-blowing to look see.

What was even more mind-blowing was the fact that the fox woman had used her nine clean white tails to actively sweep the area around her searching for the remaining pieces of the heart.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now